Chapter 7

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"Hi Y/N, welcome back."

He looks at you with a smirk, staring at you for a few seconds before someone else's cough breaks him away from you. He stands away and turns to face the others and he greets them. You remain silent and dumbfounded. /Welcome back? What was that supposed to mean?/  You thought to yourself. You had no idea who he was, let alone what your relationship was like with him. In the corner of your eye, you notice Dan Heng giving you a glare and now you feel uncomfortable by the ordeal, at least more uncomfortable than you did before. You're really confused and unsure of what this all means, as you only recognise him from the weird flashback you had a couple weeks before. Your whole body shivers and then you feel a hand at your shoulder. You turn to see who it is, and you see March 7th looking up at you with a comforting smile. The others are talking and she talks softly to you, trying not to catch the others attention. 

"You doing okay? You're looking a little pale."

She asks, you simply nod at her and give her a smile back. She gently rubs your shoulder and reminds you that she's now here for you if you needed to talk and she rejoined the group. You tried to pay attention to what was being said and what was needing to be done but the more you looked at Jing Yuan, the more you had no idea what was going on. You tried not to stare but there was just something about him that you couldn't take your eyes off him. There was something just pulling you to him but you just had no idea what or why you feel this way. Then it hit you. Another migraine. But just like before, another flashback fills your mind. 


Jing Yuan wraps his arms around your waist, sliding them down your body to the back of your thighs under your butt, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist and he leans you up against the door. Jing looks at you lustfully as you wrap your arms around his neck, your hands sitting at the back of his head and you look at him with a smirk. He whispers at you, making sure you're okay with what's going on and you nod at him. As soon as you gave the go ahead, he bit his lip and his eyes fill with want and needs, he leans his head forward and starts to kiss softly at your neck. As his lips touch your skin, you can't help but let out a quiet moan. You feel his lips turn into a smirk against your skin and you giggle, your face turning a soft red colour as you moaned quicker than you expected. Leaning your head to one side slightly, exposing more of your neck to him, and he takes the opportunity to leave more gentle kisses along your neck. You gently bite at your lip, a couple moans escaping you as he continued. After a few moments, he lifted you back up and took you away from the door and carried you to the bed. Laying you down on the bed, he climbs ontop of you with a smirk. 

"I can't wait for you to take me."

He says to you softly, your cheeks turning redder as he spoke. He spreads your legs, climbing in between them and sits between your legs on his knees. He leans down to kiss you, his hands sliding down the sides of your body, clasping his fingers into your shorts, sliding them down your body. Using one of his hands to remove them from you, keeping another hand at your waist he continues to kiss you as he does this. He throws the shorts to the ground and slides his hand back up your thighs, trailing his fingers to your waist. Pulling up your shirt, he breaks the kiss and pulls back just enough for him to look at you as he places his hands onto your breasts, gently squeezing them, using his fingers to twirl around your nipples. You start to moan more, and louder, as he plays with you. You look up to him to notice him staring back at you, smirking at you and clearly enjoying whatever he seemed to be doing to you. He continues to massage at your breasts before leaning forward and placing one into his mouth and began to suck at your breast, continue to massage and play with the other. You moan louder, your back arching as you feel his tongue gently swirling at your nipple. He swaps breast, using one of his hands to curve your body, squeezing your thigh and he uses his fingers to -

"Y/N?! Y/N?!!"

Someone yells at you....


"Y/N?! Y/N?!" 

The yelling seemed to snap you back and you look to see everyone staring at you. You felt a cold breeze as your hand was back at your head and you gulped nervously. You look at everyone and you look at them confused. They're looking back at you confused. A shiver is sent down your spine as you feel like people are judging you, the air feeling awkward as you inevitably had no idea what was going on, especially after whatever memory that was.

"Were you even listening? Do you know what we're doing?"

You looked at them with defeat and you shook your head, looking at Dan Heng as he was the one who asked you. You scratched the back of your head nervously, feeling dumb and awkward about not paying attention. You start to feel bad because whatever happened would have to be repeated to you. 

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to ignore any of you and not listen. I've been getting weird migraines and flashbacks...I just got another migraine and it crippled me a little and I couldn't concentrate. My bad, someone's gonna have to repeat it for me when they can."

You explain nervously, twiddling with your thumbs as you explained. You smile at them all awkwardly and you chuckle nervously. Dan Heng seems to give you the daggers as the others seem to give you more of a comforting, understanding look. You feel a bit more at ease but with the way Dan Heng looks at you, you can't help but be confident in the idea that he definitely doesn't seem to like you, like you're somewhat of a bother to him. You do your best to ignore him. 

"Don't worry Y/N, while the others get started on fighting the monsters around the town, I'll stay behind to explain some situation to you." 

You look to Jing Yuan, giving him a soft smile and you nod. You feel so embarrassed and confused about what's going on, especially with what flashback you seemed to get. Before your response, Dan Heng storms out with March 7th and The Traveller chasing after him and yelling at him to wait up. You stand there awkwardly, watching the three of them leave before turning to face Jing Yuan. 

"I'm sorry about him, I don't know what his issue is, he's been acting like this since I got here. I'm really not sure why he has a problem with me, I've never even met him before."

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