Mutant Mayhem Final Trailer

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The Brooklyn Bridge lights up New York City at night.

"We have a very important mission for tonight..." Leo starts seriously.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Gabrielle Wilson are leaping across various rooftops.

One of the turtles jumps across metal crates, the security guard missing it as he checks around with his flashlight.

"We must use stealth..."

Leo passes by Mikey as they continue to sprint fast.

"And cunning..."

Behind the register lady who was on the computer, Raph is lowered to the ground by Gabby's tail.

"To infiltrate the human world to retrieve..."

A hole is sawed into a moving truck and Leo lands inside the vehicle.

Leo pulls out the 'scroll' Splinter gave them to read from it as his crush and brothers look on just as seriously. "Go-gurt!"

"Oooh-- Go-gurt..."Raph mocks.

"Okay Batman." Mikey jokes.

Donnie makes gibberish noises and Gabby silently snickers. 

"Dude, what? I'm just trying to hype you guys up." Leo explains to stop his brothers from making fun of him.

"Is that what it was? Cause it's not working." Gabby chimes in.

The blue turtle holds back tears with a chipper attitude, "Let's go!"

He and Raph slide down on string light fixtures while Gabby does front cartwheels behind him.

"From Seth Rogen..."

Leo slices through metal rods and he, his brothers and Gabby and their allies all strut confidently.

"Comes a movie that crushes for absolutely every age."

A young Splinter carrying the turtle tots, take in the touristy sights of New York City.

A shadowed Superfly extends his claw-like hand into the light. Enticing a pre awakened, rabid feral Gabby to take it.

Leo spins his swords and sheaths them on his back.

"Amazing! Insane!" April complements her mutant friends as she writes in her notebook," All right! Tell me more."

Raph, Leo, and Mikey are standing very close to each other with matching smirks at the request.

"Yeah, but I still think Gojo could get Megumi back somehow..." Gabby says to Donnie who looks deep in thought at her while she rifles through the newest Jujutsu Kaisen volume.

"If not, we're delulu." Donnie sorrowfully admits.

"That's how I feel about Nobara, my man." The pink mutant sighs as she closes the manga.

The turtles and Gabby do parkour tricks across another rooftop with thrill filled cheers.

"It's effortlessly cool."

The quintet are all football tackling thugs in different rooms at the same time.

"And Visually Stunning."

Mondo Gecko skates through the falling debris of Time Square then does a kick flip.

"It's the most fun you'll have at the movies this year."

The brothers and Gabby scale down a fire escape to meet up with April at the bottom. Leo and Gabby jump down first and second.

Raph is happy as he jumps up and sticks to a billboard with his sais.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And Gabrielle Wilson: Mutant MayhemWhere stories live. Discover now