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authors note:
should mash be a love interest or nah

im still deciding so just lmk

THE DOUBLE LINEDboy glared down at the newspaper in his hand

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boy glared down at the newspaper in his hand. He recognized the boy on the newspaper quite well, "The one from the entrance exam..."

He used his gravity magic to blow a hole through the paper. "They risked failing for a perfect stranger..."

He said, a click sound being heard when he opened the pendant that was around his neck. "What naivete. They'll all be next." He gazed down at the picture inside the pendant.


(Name) stared at her newly founded friend group in slight exhaustion. There was that one dude from the tournament yesterday that just wouldnt stop yelling, and Lemon was simping for Mash as always.

She silently chuckled at their antics, the 4 were bickering, as the white haired girl threw her legs over her desk, and leaned back in the wooden chair. She would've joined in the fun, but last night, she didnt even sleep a wink.

Bags decorated her under eyes as she yawned. She'd have recurring nightmares about some dude stabbing her in multiple spots. To her, it was just a dream, it didnt affect her as much as...

That boy.

A boy with a bun that never seemed to leave her mind.

He was the reason for her lack of sleep.

Everytime he crossed her mind, her heart would ache. Just who was this man that caused her this much pain? She was snapped out of her thoughts when hearing footsteps enter the room, followed by a voice speaking,

"You seem to be having fun." Mash and (Name) turned around in confusion. "Mind if i join?"

The girl analyzed him closely, he had blue hair and eyes, 2 lines under one if his eye, and was dressed in the schools uniform. He was quite attractive too.

"You're out of luck. No fun here." Mash said.

"I see... then let's do something that is fun." The blue haired male reached to grab something from his pocket.

"You mean... hide and seek?" Mash said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

He pulled the item out, he explained, "This bottle is a special magic tool, from ancient times." The lid of the bottle popped out and sucked in Finn, Lemon and loud guy.

The 3 screamed banging their fists against the glass of the bottle. "It's capable of trapping people, as you can see. If you two want it, come to the forest behind the owl huts. I'll be waiting." The blue haired male disappeared into smoke, and vanished.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, gojo!femxmashleWhere stories live. Discover now