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TODAY, WE WILLbe learning one of the most basic of spells, the lock opening spell

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be learning one of the most basic of spells, the lock opening spell. First, I will demonstrate how it is done." The old lady said, pulling out her wand and pointing it a wand.

"Optiars! You must imagine you're opening the lock as you're infusing it with magic energy." She explained. "Now it is your turn."

"Optiars!" Bunch of the teens sitting in their respective seats recited. (Name) looked at the lock in distaste. She didnt want to use her cursed energy today, so she copied Mash, who coincidentally was assigned the next to her.

She watched him rip the lock with brute force.
"Professer, I opened the lock." Mash let the professer know. Her face contorted into one of anger,

"Are you outta your freaking mind?!You do know this is a magic academy, right?!" She shouted. "A place to learn magic!! Dont you?!"

"Yes, but... I'm not good with magic and spells." He informed calmly. "Then why are you even here?!" (Name) stifled back a laugh, this was just too entertaining for her.

"And you, young boy!" The professer turned to face her, rage evident in her eyes. "Why are you laughing?!" (Name) blinked once.

Then twice.



(Name) hummed, walking down the hallway to her assigned dorm, with her head leaning on her hands. She lit up when spotting a door with the number on it.

She skipped over to it and slammed the door open, startling the person sitting on one of the cushioned chairs. When her blue eyes finally landed on her, she realised. "Its you! That simp from the exam!"

The girl nodded, fiddling with her hands.
"Yes, that's me... 'simp?' "are you my roommate?" She shyly asked. (Name) nodded her head. She began studying her appearance, the girl had medium length blonde hair and eyes, a small line on her face that kind of looked like it had a small 'c' at the end.

"My names Lemon Irvine, it's nice rooming with you!" She introduced with a small smile on her face. "Gojo (Name). Oh, did Mash actually say he'd marry you?" She quirked an eyebrow at her.

Lemon covered her face in embarrassment. "Please don't tell me you still remember that-"

"Of course I do! He's my best friend. I know him the best, so hearing that he actually has game is a shocker." She explained, taking a seat in one of the cushioned seats with a coffee table in front of them. She scratched her head, "oh, one more question."


"How do you get to become the academy's "divine visionary"?" The gojo inquired, leaning back into her seat and throwing a leg over the other.

(Gosh that one scene of gojo-)

"You're here for that? You have to collect gold coins. We're evaluated on everything. Tests, coursework, extracurricular activities. After the three terms, anyone with more than 5 gold coins enters the running as a candidate to become the next divine visionary.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, gojo!femxmashleWhere stories live. Discover now