Chapter Three ~ Goner

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WARNING! This chapters has themes that some viewers may find discomforting, such as vomiting, medical problems, and death. If you're uncomfortable with these, feel free to skip. 


     Printer found Mint on the ground, cold and pale. He opened the tube with his shakey hands and tried bringing Mint back. "Come on, please! I can't have another lawsuit..." He groaned. Mint's soul remained. He forced it back into Mint, and he coughs. Printer's eyes widen and he starts to smile. Mint coughs again before he opens his eyes. "Thank God!" Printer exclaimed and he hugs Mint. "What's going on?" Mint asks, looking around dizzily. "Nothing, don't worry..." He sets Mint down and puts a hand on his forehead. "Are you ok? Do you need anything?" Printer asked, breathing heavily and shakily. "I think I'm ok.." He says as he shuffles his legs a little. Printer nods and walks away. 
     The day goes by like any other. The contestants hang out, the hosts are talking, it's all good and fun. Mint wasn't normal though. He was still pale and cold. He was sick. Arch and Printer knew he needed some form of medical attention. But Mint refused. "Maybe you'll be thankful we tried to help you when you drop dead." Printer mumbled to himself. He was worried sick about Mint. Arch and him both were. Eventually, it happened. 
     Arch and Mint were in the park. Arch looked at Mint with fear and pain in his face. Mint was dozing off. And that was it. He puked out his soul, he fell backwards, and his heart stopped. Arch's eyes widened as he felt for a pulse. It wasn't there. Arch quickly put Mint on top of his head and rushed towards Printer. They could still save him. Arch found him and called his name out, tears flowing down his face. He set him down and the two looked down at the body. "We can't save him. His soul isn't in it's tube, and the soul won't go in by itself. We can't force feed him something on the ground." Printer said. His voice was cold, he was in pain too. 
     Arch looked at him before falling on his knees and crying. Mint was gone. His only friend. The only one who cared. He was gone. "We couldn't save him..." Arch said in a hoarse, pain-filled voice. Printer simply walked away. Back to the cliff where this all started. He stood there. "Maybe..." He said to himself, "This was my fault." 

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