Where am I?

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Harry's pov

Harry: "Who are they and how did the get in?"
Hermione: "I don't know but they seem to be injured let's get them to the hospital wing."
Ron: "There's 13 of them and three of us how are we supposed to get them there?"
Harry: "Hermione and I will use wingardium leviosa to get them to the hospital wing. Ron, you go get madam pomfrey."

Ron runs off to go search for madam pomfrey while Harry and Hermione cast wingardium leviosa on the unconscious teens slowly levitating them to the hospital wing.

Madam pomfrey treats the teens and tells Ron, Hermione and Harry of to class.

Saiki's pov

Half an hour later the first person wakes up, it's a pink haired boy with green glasses and lollipop looking antennas coming out of his ears.

Saiki: 'Where am I?'
Saiki said while rubbing his head. He was surprised that he had a headache since he hasn't predicted anything. He used restoration on himself to get rid of his headache.
Madam pomfrey: "You're in the hospital wing in Hogwarts."

Saiki suddenly remembered how he got here and how his brother had shot him with a mysterious gadget. After a while he noticed the 12 other teens lying in cots next to him.

Saiki: 'Who are these people?'
Madam pomfrey(M.P): "You don't know them?"
Madam pomfrey asked with a concerned look on her face wondering if the young boy had amnesia. So she decided to ask him some question.
M.P: "What's your name?"
Saiki: 'Kusuo Saiki'

Just then a girl woke up, she had blonde hair and brown eyes with gold flecks in them. She looked at madam pomfrey and saiki.

Sophie: "Who are you? Where am I? Are my friends ok?"
The girl started bombarding them with questions.

M.P: "Calm down. I'm madam pomfrey, you're in the hospital wing of Hogwarts and your friends are fine."
Sophie: "And who are you?"
She asked the boy that seemed to be her age and had a blank look on his face.
Saiki: 'My names Kusuo Saiki, who are you'
Sophie: "Nice to meet you Kusuo. My name is Sophie Foster"
Saiki: [Judging by her name she isn't Japanese. She had a weird accent though surprisingly I can't hear her thoughts either. Wait my x-ray isn't working on anyone I can actually see her face.]

Madame pomfrey walked over to Uraraka who was still unconscious and started checking her.

Saiki: 'Earlier on you asked if your friends were ok, who exactly are your friends?'
Sophie pointed towards six of the people and told the boy all there names.
Saiki: 'And who are the other five?'
Sophie: "No idea."

Saiki noticed her reaching up to rub her temples and walked up to her placing a hand on her shoulder and using restoration on her. She gasped as her headache disappeared with his touch.

One after the other everyone slowly regained consciousness and introduced themselves.

Once everyone woke up they started trying to figure out what had happened.

Sophie, Keefe, Dex, Fitz, Biana, Linh and Tam came to the conclusion that the gadget lady Gisela threw transported them to an alternate universe. Saiki came to the same conclusion with the weapon kusuke shot at him. And Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Uraraka and Tsuyu remembered being sucked into a book.

Around 12 o'clock they heard a bell go off and students rush into the hallways. Then Harry, Hermione and Ron stepped into the hospital wing.

Harry: "I see you all woke up."
"Who are you." Tam asked suspiciously.
Linh: "Tam relax. Excuse my brother he has trust issues."
Hermione: "No worries. I'm Hermione Granger this is Harry Potter and he's Ron Weasley." she pointed to herself and the boy's next to her. Everyone introduced themselves and then the questions began.

Ron: "You all have odd names where do you come from."
Biana: "The lost cities."
Saiki: 'Japan'
Uraraka: "We're from Japan too. What's your quirk?" she said excitedly.
Saiki: 'What's a quirk?'
Dex: "That's what I was thinking."
Harry: "Same here."

"What so your telling me you're all Quirkless weaklings who don't even know what quirks are!?!" asked Bakugou who had been surprisingly quiet this whole time.

Bakugou: "I'll show you stupid bastard's what a quirk is!!".
With that he lunged at Sophie who used telekinesis to throw him against the wall.

Keefe: "DONT LAY A FINGER ON MY GIRLFRIEND OR THERE'LL BE BLOOD ON MY HANDS!!!" his sudden outburst surprised everyone, even Bakugou got scared and went to sit down.

Todoroki: "You guys really don't know what a quirk is? And what are the lost cities"
Fitz: "You don't know what the lost cities are? Are you humans?"
he asked sounding panicked.
Tsuyu: "Yes, wait you're not?"
Dex: "But humans can't make explosions come out of they're hands."
Saiki: 'He's right'

Midoriya: "S-So in you don't have quirks or even know what they are for that matter. And Fitz what did you mean by are you humans, if you're not human than what are you?"
Keefe: "We're elves."
Harry: "Like Dobby?"
Sophie: "Does he look human?"
Harry: "No"
Sophie: "Then we're not the same species as Dobby."
Keefe: "But how can there be two entirely different species with the same name?"
Sophie: "Unless..."
Keefe and Sophie: "Were all from different universe's!"

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