Chapter 4

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If you have any ideas on what to call this chapter please tell me

Bakugou's pov

Im lying in my bed after changing into my pyjamas and watching four eyes get into bed. Because of today's events I can't fall asleep so I'm going to read a book I got from the library. After around 30 minutes four eyes has fallen asleep.

[How can he fall asleep so easily after being transported to a different universe. What a weirdo. Wait, he's wearing a necklace. Has he been wearing that the entire time? WHY IS IT SHAPED LIKE A HEART!? DOES HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!? Wait, it's a locket.]

I started approaching him and held the locket in my hand. Then I opened it to see a picture of-

[Coffee jelly? Why does he have a picture of coffee jelly in a heart shaped locket? What a weirdo. Why's he always so cold to everyone? He always has such an expressionless face.

The only time I saw him with an expression was when he was eating a chocolate frog, it was like there was a pink bubbly aura surrounding him.

But now that he's asleep he looked so peaceful and, ...cute.]

I ran my hand through his soft pink hair before lying back down on my bed and drifting off to sleep.

Saiki's pov

I've been lying in bed for the last 30 minutes trying to fall asleep, unfortunately I forgot my germanium ring when confronting kusuke so now I can hear the thoughts of everyone in Hogwarts.

Suddenly I heard Bakugou's thoughts.

Bakugou: [How can he fall asleep so easily after being transported to a different universe. What a weirdo. Wait, he's wearing a necklace. Has he been wearing that the entire time? WHY IS IT SHAPED LIKE A HEART!? DOES HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!? Wait, it's a locket.]

[He thinks I'm asleep? And no it's not a picture of some girlfriend, Im not even dating anyone.]

I heard him get up and walk over to me. Then he held the locket in his hands and opened it.

I zoned out for a few seconds and when I snapped out of it I heard him finish a thought.

Bakugou: [But now that he's asleep he looked so peaceful and, ...cute.]

Cute? Just then he ran his fingers through my hair I felt my face go blood red at his touch.

[Wait am I enjoying this? How can I be enjoying this?]

I felt a little sad when he left my side and went to sleep. An hour later I finally feel asleep after tossing and turning.

Timeskip 2 weeks later

Tsuyu's pov

I woke up at 7am to find that Linh and Biana were already up and we're giggling like crazy.

"What happened?"
Biana: "Oh it's nothing much, don't worry about it."
Linh: "Yeah don't worry."

[What are they up to? Honestly there scarier that an angry Bakugou.]

Biana: "Linh would you please come with me?"
Linh: "Ofcource I'll come with you Biana!"
They walked out of the room, but not before telling me to stay put.

Less than five minutes later the door opened but it wasn't Linh or Biana.

"Hi Dex, what are you doing here?"
Dex: "Oh, hey Tsu, Biana and Linh asked me to come here."

Just then the door was closed and locked from the outside.

Dex: "Biana! Let us out!"

"Yeah let us out!"

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