Chapter 2 Raelynn

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"I'm Noah you must be the infamous Raelynn"

"That's me" I say shyly looking down to my feet blushing as I suddenly remember that I am still half naked and this gorgeous angel of a man just watched me bust my ass in nothing but a pair of hot pink granny panties and a ratty old Metallica shirt. So much for first impressions...

"I heard a bit of the commotion out there" he nods his head toward towards the living room "I really hope you can excuse Folio. Trust me he meant no harm he's got a weird sense sense of humor that can definitely be" he pauses almost looking like he's searching for the right word "an acquired taste but he truly is a good guy and I really hope you aren't entirely put off by him" he looks down at me with almost a look of hope in his eyes making it pretty clear he wants me to get along with his friends

"Well with such a rave review I guess I can try to find it in the goodness of my heart to give him another shot." I say playfully smiling up at Noah "I was being a little more sensitive than usual, I'm usually not alive and functioning before noon"

Noah chuckles while he runs his hand through his hair. "Well I'm glad you'll consider it. I wouldn't want you two starting on the wrong foot since we're all gonna be spending quite a bit time together from now on"  I furrowed my brow and went to ask him what he meant by that but he had already turned to leave as Nicholas as was yelling for him from the other room.

I went into my room and got dressed as quickly as I could throwing on a pair of black leggings and an oversized grey Nike hoodie. I couldn't stop replaying our little meeting in my head. I grabbed my brush and hair-ties and went out to meet everyone in the living room. The guys were all standing around chatting and Nadia had just gone to get changed. I sat down at the kitchen table and quickly brushed and braided my hair into two long braids. I looked up and everyone was staring at me.

"How did you do that so fast?" Jolly asked

"What?" I said looking at them confused

"How did you braid your hair that fast!" Noah exclaimed "Seriously it only took you like 30 seconds how is that even possible"

"I can't even do a braid let alone do one that fast" Davis chipped in. The guys all started talking over each other completely bewildered at something so simple. Apparently they are a very easily impressed bunch.

"I don't know I've been doing them my whole life. It's second nature to me. Do you want me to do your hair quick before we start loading boxes?" I ask next thing I know Noah, Nick, Jolly, Davis and Matt are all lined up in front in-front of me waiting to get their hair done. I couldn't help but giggle at their excitement. One by one I braided each of their hair and explained how I was always taught growing up that your hair is an extension of yourself and the power of your spirit. The longer your hair the stronger your spirit and your connection to your culture and ancestors. The boys listened on intently while playfully comparing hair lengths and poking fun at Bryan and Folio calling them weak and out of touch for having such short hair. Aside from myself Noah has the longest hair his reaches just past the small of his back, then Jolly comes in second as his reaches the small of his back. Matt and Nick tie for third as their hair reaches about to the bottom of their shoulder blades and finally Davis who's hair reaches just past his shoulders.

By the time Nadia finished getting dressed and joined us I was just finishing up on Matt. She was wearing a pair of ripped black joggers and a white Slipknot shirt that she had cut into a crop top.

"Oh my god you guys are adorable!" She exclaimed excitedly snapping pictures of all the guys with their braided ponytails.

" I swear to god Nadia you better not post those!" Matt hollered attempting to hide his face behind his hands

"Oh I don't mind I think I look cute" Jolly said striking a pose with Nick and Davis while Nadia laughed away continuing to take photos. Complete chaos ensued with all the guys running around excitedly doing various poses and jumping all over each other.

"Guys I hate to be a party pooper but we really should get loaded up if we want to get this done today" I stated  "y'all have already been here for an hour and we haven't accomplished jack shit" various groans echoed from the group

"Hey we weren't doing nothing we were bonding" Bryan said while pulling Jolly in for an awkward side hug attempting to make his point

"No she's right guys after we get everything loaded we still have a 14 hour drive until we get to the house we should probably get a move on" Noah said coming to my defense.

I put my Unhinged ADHD Energy playlist on which was basically the biggest cluster fuck of songs to dance to/sing along to/scream to and we decided to split off in to teams to start moving boxes. Davis and Noah started on the kitchen. Folio and Bryan took the living room Nick and Matt took Nadia's room and Nadia and I took my room.

"So Rae... How are you feeling about the boys so far?" Nadia asked me in between hauling boxes to the truck

"They seem nice. Well most of them do anyway" I say pausing to take a drink of water. " you know I love Nicky and Jolly seems super sweet. Bryan is pretty funny. Matt is kinda spicy but I like it and Davis is kinda quieter so I'm not to sure where we stand quite yet. Folio is mildly irritating and Noah....." I trail off not knowing what to say I mean he's devastatingly handsome, sweet, funny, and 3000 light years out of my league.

"What about Noah?" Noah asks walking into my room as he had clearly overheard us.

"Noah needs to learn how to mind his own damn business." I say lightly throwing my pillow at him. He effortlessly caught the pillow and stuck his tongue out as tossed it back on the floor by my feet. I flipped him off and he quickly took a few rather large steps towards me leaning in to my ear taking me by surprise.

"You better be careful now Lynnie, you don't know what you are getting yourself into" He whispered loud enough for both myself and Nadia to hear, smirking at me with a devilish look in his eye then turned to leave the room. I blushed and looked to the floor not sure if I should feel threatened or aroused.

Just as he left Nadia practically jumps me
"What the fuck was that?!?" She whisper yelled while grabbing my arms shaking me

"Bitch calm the fuck down! What was what?" I say prying out of her grip

"Umm you know what?" Nadia says giving me a look that basically says are you kidding me?

"No I don't please enlighten me" I rolled my eyes

"He was practically eye fucking you!" I laughed aloud.

"You are insane he definitely was not" I blushed "he's just being friendly" I don't know what she thinks she saw but I think she's being overly optimistic a guy like that would never in a million years go for a girl like me.

"Yeah...okay. Last time I saw that "friendly" look on anyones face was on Nicky right before he pulled me into the bathroom and railed me at Denny's" she hip thrusts the air and continues to taunt me.

"Oh my god it is totally not like that and you two are disgusting!" I feigned repulsion even though I am already more than familiar with their sexual escapades. Nadia tells me everything. In fact she tells me way more than I want or need to know but that's how we've always been with each other. And based on the stories she's told me the two of them are like rabbits in heat, every time they are in the same vicinity they are all over each other. Living with the both of them is going to be interesting to say the least.I'm going to need to invest in some quality noise cancelling headphones.

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