Chapter 3 Nadia

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The trucks were officially loaded and everyone was sprawled out on the floor of Raelynn and I's now empty apartment exhausted. We were all sweaty and disgusting, apparently Rae and I had a lot more shit than I thought we did. I crawled across the living room and layed down next to Rae who apparently was so hot from moving she stripped down to just her leggings and sports bra. It's a pretty funny sight because when she gets all hot and sweaty all the baby hairs around the edge of her face turn into tight little ringlet curls. She hates them more than anything but I think they are cute.

She notices me staring at her and smiles at me "Are you ready to finally get the fuck out of this hellhole?" She says excitement very evidently plastered on her face.

"More than anything" I smile as she starts to sit up. She hops up to her feet and claps loudly getting everyone's attention

"Alright bitches let's get this show on the road!" She says and I start to sit up and she offers her hand to help pull me to my feet.

"We have a 14 hour drive ahead of us and it's currently 3 pm if we leave right now get gas and what not we could be there as soon as like 6:30 in the morning" Noah, Bryan, Davis and Nicholas all groan.

" what if we stopped somewhere at like the halfway point so we could get some rest we are all exhausted Rae" Bryan starts looking at Rae pleadingly who frowned at him in response

" Yeah Rae come on it could be fun we could make a nice little trip out of it instead of rushing and being miserable the whole time" Nick adds and Rae rolls her eyes

"We could get a nice hotel with a pool and relax a bit.." Noah persuades also getting to his feet. "You wouldn't even have to pay for your own room you and Nadia can just stay with Nick and I"  he continues wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Raelynn start to blush and Nick and I exchange glances. Nick so badly wants to set the two of them up he's been hooked on the idea since the very first time he met Rae via video call. He says even though she's not quite like anyone Noah has ever been with before he thinks she would do him good, but that's the problem I think she would do him good and he has the potential to absolutely ruin her. She has had a hard life. She pretends she's all tough but she's very fragile on the inside. She has worked so hard to build herself back up to a secure safe place and as much I love Noah he's not really known to be the relationship type. He's a bit of a player to put it gently and as much as I love him I will murder him if he hurts her.

"Come on Rae we will still get there tomorrow just later in the day. It's not like we are allowed to pick up our keys and start moving in until 3 anyways." I add

"Fine! You win!" She groans pulling away from noah and starting towards me "Nadia and I get the bed and you both can share the pull out couch" she says wrapping me in a big dramatic hug, shooting both Nick and Noah a death glare.

She points at Nick scowling "and if you try any nasty business while I am asleep in the same room as you I will personally cut your dick off and feed it to Ichabod!" She yells before heading out to the driveway.

"How are you feeling my love are you excited? Getting cold feet yes ?" Nick smiles tucking my hair behind my ear and lifting my chin so I meet his gaze.

"I am so very excited" I assure him standing up on my tippy toes to give him a soft peck on the lips.
" I can't wait to wake up to your pretty face every morning" I say as he leans down to kiss me again immediately deepening it. There was a hunger behind his actions that instantly sparked a familiar fire in my belly only he could extinguish. It had been months since we last touched, the long distance was not very kind to us. Someone started to clear their throat next to us instantly killing the mood, Nick let go of me and looked up to see a smirking Matt.

"Alright if you two are done eating each others faces now we should figure out who's driving what vehicle." Matt says heading out to the driveway where the others are gathered.

"We will finish this later" Nick whispers leaning down, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. He gives me one last peck on the crook of my neck before heading outside. I walk around the apartment taking one last good look at everything before grabbing the cat carrier and heading outside.

Outside everyone is sorta huddled around our various vehicles. Raelynn is standing talking with Davis and Noah by her car. It's an older Jeep Grand Cherokee it's not the prettiest but it's a tank and has never once let us down. I on the other hand own an older metallic pink mustang convertible. It's adorable and I love it with all my heart but we have had our fair share of issues with it so I'm having Matt and Bryan tow it behind the uhaul. They are the more skilled drivers of the group. Nick and the guys drove from Virginia in their band van it looks kinda beat up and pedo-ish but it's got plenty of room for all of them and does its job. Folio already called dibs on driving it the first leg home and Jolly and Davis agreed to ride with him only because Noah, Nick and I already called dibs on riding with Raelynn. I put the cat carrier in the far back of Raelynns car and we all pile in ready to go. Raelynn decided she wanted to drive pretty much the whole way. She's got a weird anxiety thing where she has to be the one to drive on roadtrips or she's going to have multiple panic attacks in fear of dying. Noah decided he wanted to sit upfront and be the designated road-trip DJ. Nick and I cuddled up in the backseat while Noah selected his first song of the drive picking The love you want by Sleeptoken and we hit the road.

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