Chapter 8 Nadia *

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I wake up to the familiar smell of coffee brewing. I feel around for Nicholas not yet wanting to open my eyes but the bed next to me is empty. Reluctantly I sit up and look around the room, both Jolly and Nick are missing. I start panicking a little bit frantically searching for my phone when I finally find it sitting on the bathroom counter. I check the time and there is a little message from Nicholas

Nickypoo <3 : Jolly and I went on a breakfast run. Be back soon. Love you 🖤

I instantly calmed down and went back to sit on the couch walking past Noah and Rae cuddled in bed. Then it hit me and I quickly did a double take. Noah and Raelynn were cuddled up together in bed. The same bed. They slept together all night. Raelynn was laying with her head on his chest, arm wrapped around his stomach and her leg was thrown overtop of him and it looked like she was clinging to him for dear life afraid that if she let go he wouldn't be there when she awoke. And Noah wasn't much better his arm were wrapped protectively around, her face buried in her hair. I quickly snapped a picture and sent it to Nick saying wtf 😳 Nick responded with several laughing emojis and send me a very similar picture that he had also taken this morning. Apparently we had the same thought process. I quietly got dressed and headed down to the hotel gym. I decided to get some cardio in before we we were stuck in the car for another 8 hours or so besides I didn't want to be witness to the awkwardness that was about to ensue when they both woke up.

I popped my earbuds in putting on my workout playlist and hopped on the elliptical. As much as I tried to get in the zone and focus I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about Raelynn and Noah. Don't get me wrong I have seen the little glances they give each other, I've noticed the chemistry start to build. But I can't believe how quickly Raelynn is seeming to let her guard down around him. Raelynn hasn't slept in the same bed as a man overnight ever. She's always had nightmares and has been been apprehensive of trusting men or honestly anyone in general thanks to her lovely childhood. It took years for me to make as much progress with her as Noah has in just a couple days and honestly it terrifies me. I love Noah he's a great guy. He truly is an amazing friend but I've known him for a few years now and I've seen how he runs through women. I've heard the stories from Nick and the others. He isn't the relationship type he never really has been but he is Nicks best friend. He is just as important to Nick as Raelynn is to me so I can't go all guard dog and push him out of the picture. He's gonna be living with us for fuck sake. God I am stressing myself out way too much. I decide to call it quits and head back up to the room.

Just as I am getting to the door it swings open and out stumbles Matt, Bryan, Folio, Jolly, Davis and Noah all in shorts with towels slung over their shoulders just about running me over.

"Oh hey Nadia" Jolly smiles at me. " Nick is in the room he brought you some breakfast. Some of need to soak off our hangovers in the hot tub" he laughs motioning at a pissed off looking Matt and Folio

"Thanks for the heads up you guys have fun with that" I chuckle waking inside to see Nick chilling on the couch watching some random adult cartoon with Raelynn eating donuts. I walk over to Nick to give him a quick peck but he quickly wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his lap deepening the kiss. He starts planting kisses all over my face and neck while I try to wrestle myself away from his firm grasp.

"Nick stop it" I say between laughs " I am all sweaty and nasty" I say still trying to fight my way to freedom

"Just how I like you" he purrs into my ear instantly igniting a familiar fire in my core.

"Nick I am serious please let me shower. I stink and I'm sore I really just wanna take a hot shower relax" he stops and loosens his grip looking me in the eye pausing for a moment before sliding his hand down to my butt and scooping me up causing me to squeal as he quickly hops to his feet wrapping my legs around his torso

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