Chapter 5 Raelynn

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We arrived at the hotel after a few more hours of the most unhinged chaotic line up of songs possible bouncing from Eminem to Cher to Slipknot to Nickleback to One Direction to Kesha to Limp Bizkit while laughing and screaming along to every song that came on. Nicholas and Noah ran inside to check us into our rooms while we found a spot around the back of the hotel to park next to Folio and Bryan. The guys were all huddled up around the uhaul smoking cigs and laughing. Nadia hopped out of the back seat to talk to guys while I rolled myself a quick blunt. It was already after 9pm and I had a bad habit of not being able to sleep in places I wasn't familiar with so I figured some bud would help take the edge off. I shut the car off climbing out, tossed Nadia the keys and excused myself saying I needed to use the restroom while I snuck off to smoke. I found a nice hidden spot around the corner of the building and sat on the sidewalk pulling out my lighter. As soon as I drew my first big puff a figure appeared around the corner startling, me sending me into a little coughing fit.

"Nadia told me I'd find you over here" Noah said chuckling

Once I regained my composure looked up to see Noah now standing in front of me.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks shooting me a soft smile while already starting to sit down next to me.

"I suppose" I chuckle handing him my blunt. He takes a long drag, holding it in before slowly exhaling. I watch the smoke dance as it leaves his lips. He looks my way catching me staring and I quickly drop my gaze to the ground in front of me.

"What kind of man would I be if I left this poor defenseless woman outside alone at night in some strange town" he teases,  playfully nudging me and passes it back to me and I take a hit. I close my eyes and feel the familiar burn in my throat and lungs as I hold it in as long as I can before finally exhaling.

"Seriously though what are you doing out here smoking by yourself?" He asks "You coulda came up to the room you don't gotta hide we all do it"

"I have really bad anxiety, needed to take the edge off" I weakly smile while exhaling and hand the last little bit of the blunt back "besides it's rude to smoke in a hotel room"

He laughs at me and takes another puff. Maybe I'm just high but the way the moonlight bounces off his features is so alluring. I could sit outside here watching him smoke for hours but alas after a couple more turns passing it back and forth while sitting in silence the blunt was finished. Noah puts out the roach on the side walk and stands up offering me his hand. I gladly oblige and he pulls me up to my feet.

"Come on let's go get your stuff. I'm pretty sure Matt and Davis went on an alcohol run but everyone else is upstairs getting settled into our rooms"

We walk back to my car and I grab my bag out of the trunk and go to sling it over my shoulder but Noah stops me quickly grabbing the bag from my hand and slinging it over his own shoulder instead.

"Awe who would have guessed that you were such a gentleman" I smiled up and him while he rolled his eyes at me

"You know there is quite a bit you don't know about me Lynnie..." he trailed of as we headed up to the room.

Inside the room was straight chaos it was a double queen bed room with an extra pull out couch and a door that led to the room next door the the rest of the guys would be sharing. Folio and Bryan were arguing about something dumb related to classic rock, Nadia and Nick were moving furniture around making space on the floor for some unknown reason while Jolly was on the phone ordering room service. Noah set my bag on the floor and went to go help Nick.

" There you are Rae" Nadia says walking over to me " you feeling better? You guys were gone a while" She asks leading me over to one of the beds while giving me a sympathetic smile as sits back leaning against the fluffy white pillows.

"Yeah no I'm fine we were just talking a bit" I climb into bed sitting next to her "what's going on here?" I motion to the chaos

" We are gonna have a game night. Jolly is ordering pizza and wings I believe and Matt and Davis ran to get alcohol and Nick is moving the couch from the other room into this room so we have enough room for all of us to play..." she then glances over at Folio and Bryan and furrows her brow. " I have no clue what those two are doing"

Room service arrived and everyone started to help themselves. The boys threw themselves at the boxes of room service like ravenous wolves thankfully I wasn't too hungry but I made sure to eat a slice of pizza since I knew we would be drinking soon and hard liquor on an empty stomach isn't usually the best combo.

"What are we gonna be playing?" I ask Nadia

Just then Matt and Davis arrived with enough alcohol for a small arsenal. Matt carried in several bags filled with various large bottles of liquor and sodas  and Davis trailed behind him carrying 2 large cases. Folio started jumping around the room hollering like an excited toddler while Bryan, Nick and Noah instantly hopped up and helped clear space on the counter for everything to go.

"We've got several flavored vodkas" Matt says pulling 3 large bottles of bright colored flavored vodkas out and passing them around "we've also got Captain Morgan, Jose Cuervo, Jameson and Hennessy joining the party" he says laughing setting them on the counter as well. He also pulls out several sodas for mixer and a package of red solo cups

"We've also got a case of beer and a case of white claws for the ladies" Davis added ripping open one of the cases and grabbing himself a beer. He tosses one to Bryan and Folio and offers one to Noah as well.

"Fuck the ladies hit me with a white claw" Noah said laughing. Bryan and Folio decide to shotgun their beers while Matt starts to pour everyone some mixed drinks.

"What kind of girls do you think we are?" I chimed in laughing "hand me the captain I bet I could out drink all you fuckers any day of the week"

"What do you want to mix it with?" Davis asks handing me the bottle. I instantly crack it open and take a large swig downing without making so much as a sour face and he stares at me incredulously while several of the guys start hooting and laughing.

"I'm good with just this" I say and wink at him

"Oh god" Nadia laughs "let's not start this tonight"

"Damn Rae I didn't know you got down like that!" Folio laughs cracking open the Jameson for himself.

"Y'all need to slow down" Nadia says laughing "I wanna play truth or dare. Everyone sit down and shut up. We gotta get to know each other better if we are gonna be spending so much time together"

"Alright alright fine" Folio says and takes a seat on one of the couches next to Jolly.  Davis and Matt take a seat on the opposite couch Nick sits on the edge of one of the beds and Noah decided to sit on the floor. Nadia and I start to pass out the mixed drinks that Matt had made to everyone as Nadia explained the rules.

"We're gonna okay truth or dare, but we are gonna spice it up a bit. We are gonna go around the circle and each person is going to spin the bottle and ask the person it lands on a truth. If the person refuses they must take a drink and then the person who asked the question will give them a dare. The last person to finish their drink wins" She looks around at everyone giving us all a devious smile. "Let us begin..."

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