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Jimin and Yoongi went at bar.

Jimin, Yoongi, here! Taehyung screamed

So, they went by them, when they came at table. All of them were there

Taehyung, Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook

Taehyung stood up and grabbed Jimin around his shoulders

Well, this is Jimin. I know that you skipped the formalities with Jin and I guess with Yoongi, too so Jimin, this is Namjoon.

Namjoon smiled at him and they shaked with their hands

And Jimin, this is Jungkook

Jungkook looked at Jimin, he wore black jeans and thight red T-shirt. Jimin's heart missed few beats, when their eyes met.

Jungkook raise hand and they shook as well.

Come on, sit down, Jimin. Yoongi pushed him and Jimin sat on the chair next to Jungkook

Then they started bringing drinks and talking. Jungkook then brought a round of shots, they all stood and Jungkook raised his shot for a toast.

Here's to Jimin, who saved us today.

Then Jimin toasted everyone and as he toasted Jungkook and their eyes met, Jungkook winked at him.

A chill went down Jimin's spine. He smiled at Jungkook and drank a shot

Next! Taehyung shouted and left for another round,

one hour and 5 more rounds later...

Now it's my turn, Jimin said and stood up, shuffling a bit and chuckling

I'd better walk with you, said Jungkook, and so they walked together

When they were a few meters away from the bar Jimin paused and stared towards the bar. Jungkook looked where Jimin was looking and saw that he was staring at a couple at the bar. There was a guy and a girl there. Probably his girlfriend, from the way they were together. Jungkook looked over at Jimin. He was completely pale and walking slowly towards the couple and Jungkook followed him

When Jimin was a short distance from the couple, the man broke the kiss with the girl and looked at Jimin.

At that moment, his smile faded and turned pale, just like Jimin

He stood up. I'll explain everything to you

Jimin looked at him and tears began to fall from his eyes

Jimin, please! The man said in a very soft tone full of pain

Who is it? Jimin asked, pointing to the woman

Jimin, please

WHO IS THAT, PAULE? Jimin shouted

Paul flinched and tears began to fall from his eyes

I'm sorry, Jimin.

Jimin started to shake

Why? He asked quietly.

When Jungkook heard that, it tore his heart

Wasn't I good enough for you? Hm? Was I a bad partner? Not good enough, or passionate enough in bed, huh?

Jimin, no, that's not it


I just fell in love

Jimin looked at her

I thought you were gay.

Me too, Jimin.

So the girl got up and grabbed her stomach.

Jimin noticed and took a breath

Is she pregnant?

He looked at Paul, who nodded.

How long?

Three months.

Jimin grinned, 3 months. Now I understand why we didn't sleep together for three months.

Well, at least he's been faithful to you, he said with his eyes fixed on the girl.

Then he went to the bar and bought a whole bottle of whiskey, came back to the table and started drinking from the bottle, still crying

Everyone started carry what happend to him. Jungkook quickly told them and they all began to comfort Jimin.

I'm sorry, I'm going home. Jimin said

I'll walk you at home, said Jungkook

they came out and Jungkook waved at the taxi. Where to, Jimin?

Jimin started crying

I have nowhere to go Jungkook. I used to live with him and now I'm homeless.

Jimin took another drink from the bottle and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook couldn't remember ever feeling sorry for someone like that.

Jungkook told the taxi driver some adress and they left.

About 20 minutes later, they arrived at a fancy looking building.

Come on, Jungkook said, and helped Jimin out of the car, paid the bill and the taxi drove off.

Jimin looked at Jungkook, and started throwing up on him. His shirt, pants and shoes, and then immediately his own pants

I'm sorry, sir.

Junkgook closed his eyes.

Come on, Jimin.

Jungkook caught him in the armpit and led him to his apartment in the center of the city.

When they got inside, Jimin was out

Jungkook put him on the couch while he undressed and took a quick shower, put on his pajamas and went to take care of Jimin.

He watched him for a while, wondering what he was going to do. Then he sighed, stripped him naked, closed his eyes and tried to touch him as little as possible.

Then he put on his shorts and t-shirt. Jimin looked cute in his too-big T-shirt.

Jungkook, grabbed Jimin in bridal style and carried him to the bed, laying him on his side in case Jimin was still throwing up. He put their laundry in the wash and got ready to sleep on the couch. When he heard Jimin sobbing in his sleep.

He was afraid something would happen to him, so after a short thought he went back to the bedroom and lay down next to Jimin

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