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Wow, more then 100 readers? I'm honored. Thank you. I'm so glad, that you like this story. It's my favourit too

Well, let's continue ♥

And please let me know if you are or will be uncomfortable with anything. Your opinion is welcome.

Love, R.


Jimin was already woke, when his alarm clock started ringing. He stoped it and sighed a frowned

He closed his eyes and remebered at Jungkook's warm thumb on his cheek. He sighed again and went into bathroom to take a shower. He dresssed up, today he picked carefully. He stand up in front a mirror and nodded.

Good. He said

Jimin wore tight black jeans, that wrapped tightly around his beautiful, round, firm ass and light green T-shirt with collar. He put a little bit gloss lip and went at work

Jungkook woke up at 5 am, washed up and get dressed. He wore some suit as always, but he wore more parfume today.

He looked in the mirror and told himself:

Keep distance Jungkook. He deserve more! And with this idea he went downstairs

Sir, what you want to eat today? maid asked

Nothing, I have important morning meeting today. I'll eat in cafeteria later

Ok, then have a nice day, sir

Thank you, bye

When Jimin came at work, Taehyung was waiting for him

Hello friend, said Taehyung, how was your first night in new bed?

Hi, Tae. Okay, actually. Jimin smirk, when he remembered his hand action.

Was 9 o'clock when Jungkook finished his meetings and went at his breakfast in company's cafeteria.

First thing what he saw was Jimin's butt, tight in his jeans. Jimin stood at table and had breakfast with Taehyung and Yoongi. Taehyung faced Jungkook and wave at him.

Hello boss, join to us.

Jungkook froze and gulp, when he saw Jimin. When Taehyung spoke at him, Jimin turned around with big smile on his face.

God, he's driving me crazy. Thought Jungkook

Good morning, mr. Jeon. Jimin said

Good morning, everyone. Jungkook replied

Jungkook walked pick some food and joined to them. And was listening their converstation

When, Jimin? Taehyung asked

I don't know, I have free time every day now. So, you could pick a day

So, tomorrow? On wednesday we're leaving on business trip, right Jungkook?

Yes, Jungkook said

OK, then tomorrow. At 7 pm Jimin said

OK, I'll be there. Tae nodded

Me too, Yoongi said

Awesome, I'll told to my friends too, and we'll enjoy it.

I need to go now, thank you for breakfast Tae, next time it's on me.

Jimin left and Jungkook followed him with his eyes.

He finished his breakfast and they left. Jungkook was lost in his mind, he couldn't help, but he was curious what they planing.

OK, Stop it Jungkook, he said to himself. Keep distance, do you remember????????

But Jungkook's heart jumped, when he sat at his table and checked his emails he had one from ParkJimin@JJC.ko

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