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Jimin, kids yelled at me, while they ran throught the corridor.

Oh, easy honeys I told them, and hugged all three of them.

Hi, how are you?

We are fine, Jade answered and boys nodded.

Good, so I saved you from business lunch, so what do you want to eat? We can order something. I asked them

A pizza. they all yelled together, and I smiled

Ok, ok then pizza.

I was ordering some pizzas when Lucy came

Hi, Jimin

Hello, Lucy.

She and Jungkook with our guest left on their lunch, and our pizza was delivered. We sat in my office and was eating, Seokjin and Tae joined to us, and we had a very funny lunch.

Was about 3 pm when Jungkook and Lucy came back

Where were you? Tae asked, I musted to atend one meeting step you

Sorry. Lucy felt weak, so I took her at her doctor

Are you OK? I asked

Yes, but I must took a rest and lay a lot, or I can loose my baby. She said

OMG, Lucy. We can take care about everything. I said

Jimin, can we take care about children till the end of this week?

Of course, Jungkook.

We will be in my apartmen, will you be with us?

Are you really asking? Of course

Honey? Let's go home. Jin came and took Lucy at home. She said bye to us, kissed her kids and was leaving with Seokjin

We will step by tomorrow, Jungkook told to her, and kissed her cheek.

I steped at home to take some clothes and some stuff with me in Jungkook's apartment and we left there.

I must stoped in the pharmacy, Jungkook said and stoped his car and went in one. He went back out with some black bag.

He handed it to me, hide it. He whispered to me

Ok I said and I gave it in my hand bag

We came in apartmen, I took a shower and changed my clothes, Jungkook did it as well and we went out.

We came in cinema and started to picking up a movie. We decided to see some family movie, we enjoyed, I smiled with children, and when I looked at Jungkook he stared at me. I smiled at him, and he indicated with his mouth I love you

I love you too I indicated back and I licked my lips ans winked at him.

He clenched his jaws and showed my fingers gesto (fucking gesto ring from the thumb and index finger of the left hand and the index finger of the right hand) with raising eyebrow. I chukled and quickly looked back on the screen. I was blushed, but thanks to dark in cinema no one noticed.

When the movie ended we went in the restaurant where we had our first date (in the one, with the good red wine)

We were welcomed by Receptionist, and she led us in VIP zone. But this time the restaurant was full of people, and they started mumled and some were standing up, when we were going througth the restaurant in the back.

Hi Jimin, some people yelled. I smiled and waved at them.

Jimin, my legs hurt. Jade stopped, told me, and she raised her hands to me. So I took her in my arms and carried her.

People said oooh and ahhhh, so cute.... I looked at her and she smiled

Jade? I asked.

You are our, Jimin. Mine, dad's and Luke's and Leo's you're our prince. I don't like, when strange people looking at you.

I looked at her with open mouth. OMG you are really your's father's daugter.

She giggled and hugged me.

We sat at table and kids left to play in kinder corner

I went on toilet and when I came back a bottle of the delicious wine was standing on table

Jungkook. I can't drink when we have a children with us.

you don't have to finished it Jimin. Just a little for good mood....

Jungkook, I'm still sore from yesterday and we both have busy day tomorrow. I only want to eat and go home to sleep. Please, not today

he was looking at me with serious gaze, and after while he looked away and went play with kids.

Waiters brought our dinner, so they came back to table and we ate everything. I drung two glasses of that wine, but I felt really sorry, that I didn't finished it. It was so good for waste... Jungkook paid a bill and we left.

We went out with back door, so no one stared at us.

Want anyone ice cream? Junkook asked

YES, kids yelled. So he drive to the street ice cream shop. After short fight with Jungkook about payment I bought a ice cream for them, and we left at home. I bathed kids and when they were in their pajamas and had brushed teeth, they went to say good night to Jungkook who was working.

I frowned at him and I went to put the kids to bed. I read them three fairytalls before they fell asleep.

I was too yawning, so I left their room, and went in shower. When I walked out of shower, in my pajams with my teeth brushed I found Jungkook still sitting in living room, tapping in his laptop with focused face.

Baby, I will go to sleep.


OK, good night. I said a little bit angry and I left in bed. I laid down and closed my eyes, but I couldn't asleep.

After while I heard the sounds from living room. What? Is he watching a porn?

I went out of bed and was spying on him. Of course, he watched some porn and jerked off himself.

I was standing there and watched him. He had his eyes closed, and was only listeting the sounds, suddenly he grabbed tissue

Ahhhhhh, mhmhm ahhhh Jimin.... And he came in the tissue. So he is still jerking off with my name? I smiled and in silent left back in bed.

He came after while, I pretented sleeping. He laid to me, kissed my forehead, hugged me and closed his eyes

stalker, he mumbled with smirk

I opened my eyes and he stared at me.

When you want to watch someone, you mustn't breathe so loudly. He chukled with laugh

I spanked his chest. Why you were pissed of me?

I wasn't

Don't lie, Jungkook

Because I was horny

After yesterday?


And I'm greedy?


Tsss, and what are you, then?

I'm a lover

Unvilievible. So I'm greedy and you are lover, right?

he kissed me and hugged me tighter. Oh I love you so much, my greedy ass. He sighed, I smiled and we slowly fall asleep.

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