🌈 birthday and home coming

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Rain pov:

I woke up early today  so that I can do everything before my baby wake up, his wake up time is 7:30, it's 4:45 now i kissed my baby boy and wished him
"Happy Birthday my rainbow,u are Papa's best gift from God,i promise i will give you every happiness in the world at whatever cost,i promise i will let you become whatever you wish with your own efforts ,i promise i will never let you become my shadow you will have you own identity ,i promise i will let you fly but I will also teach you how to be down to earth,never forget baby you are Papa's little miracle, papa loves you the most "

Saying my wishes i went to do my morning routine,later tiptoed to kichen as I don't want to disturb papa and dad(rain call Leo -dad, fiat-papa, Vegas-dadda,and pete -pa don't get confused) all my uncles ,aunts , grandparents and bro will come,i call Papa's sister bro as she is only 12 years bigger than me she loves bowbow a lot because he is the youngest in family well after me, bro don't want to marry ,and my uncle Leon is still a child  papa says
My papa was pampered my grandma than her own sons,and my dad is like u do whatever you want,and my uncle in law always support papa so uncle Leon loses everytime.so back to topic every one will be here to spend all day here, some are flying here,some are  already here it is getting them tired so i took a decision,I need to discuss it with dad, dadu (dad's dad)and nanu(Papa's dad)
I need to be brave and face this ,i thought. i started working again and made a small dark chocolate pastry cake for home ,as we are going to order a big one for night party. My baby is so addicted to chocolate,i am trying to control him but he is my son no one can say no to me in this house and i can't say no to him, i also prepared food for every one their favourites especially bowbow's, when I am finishing papa came inside i hugged him and kissed his cheek saying good morning,he kissed me back on forehead and asked if i am okay,do I need any help ,i said no and took him back so we  went back to Papa's  room after taking bowbow with me as it is still 6:30
So ,i slept cuddling my  papa with bowbow between us , while dad hugged 3 of us.

I woke up again at 7:45,with my family snuggling closer to each other, my father woke up and is looking at us already,he kissed my head and said good morning and we both decided to wake our sweethearts, papa gently hugged dad when he woke up and kissed him saying good morning, while my baby boy jumped on me and started his kissing attack in between I wished him followed by papa and dad, he went to papa and hugged him,well he is his favourite and vice versa,i later dressed him up and took him towards photo frames,he kissed brother and sister in law 's picture and said I love you ma, pa. though i am his papa i want him to know his real parents i told him about them every now and thenas i think his parents and bow bow both deserve it

Everyone came and give many gifts to bowbow papa gave a bracelet,dad gave a chain that is similar to three of us, nanu gave many video games ,dadu gave many toys,Nani gave a teddy bear of my size ,dadi gave latest fashion shoes well i don't know how many, Bro gave fairytal book set for boys,now comes ridiculous ones uncle nam give a beauty camera and wished him to be a gossiper? Uncle Leon gifted him a car?well my uncle in law opened an animal shelter in bow bows name"rainbow animal home".the day went by, everyone enjoyed the evening party and later i told them about my decision I got some worried looks but later everyone are happy.

2 weeks later,

It's been 3 years i came here,but i have to come back ,all my family lives here, dad also misses home but he don't want to force me but I too want to see where my dad and papa born and grow up, i also want to meet uncle tharn and uncle type their son nuea my  bestie and a wedding planner we spoke mostly through phone and i want to surprise him so i  didn't tell him I am i am coming

I shifted everything here ,along with change in head quarters, it's not that tough because we have branches all over Asia but shifting luggage is tough i can't leave anything behind as everything has papa dad and bowbow's memories and i don't want to lose them my net have to travel twice to get all of them. Then i slept as it is night ,as the sun raised ,I was woken up by sunrays unlike usual as korea is a bit cooler,so I started enjoying the sun rise and said under my Breath

"I am home"

I hope you like the chapter

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I will update day after tomorrow at most

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