🌧️ outburst

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"Rain , finally you accepted who you are"

Rain pushed  phayu away, he slowly realised what he did and spoke a while back,he can't believe he exposed himself, for a moment rain don't know what to do or say ,he is not ready to face anyone,he searched for his parents and his friend.
When he met his friends eyes nuea immediately understood that rain is about to get a panick attack,he used to get them when bowbow is few weeks old ,but later they stopped after a few therapy sessions,nuea didn't want them back,so he walked towards rain in haste.

Sky who was shocked due to the revelation also recovered and came towards rain ,but he can see rain is getting panic attack,he know what they are because he faced them before rain's arrival and after his departure,so he didn't tried to approach him.he stood still but when rain looked at nuea and nuea immediately came by his side he felt pain like some part of his body got  cut.

Phayu spoke again "Rain i am sorry,i know i did mistake,i know i should have trust you, i know i should have let you explain, what I did is unreasonable and unfair too ,i know i don't deserve you, but please rain i know i am wrong, forgive me for this once,i will never let you down ,i will make it upto you, please, please don't leave me alone, without you i feel like i have nothing,rain please tell me what I can do, please i will do anything"

Nuea couldn't take it anymore he spat at phayu" oh now you care, where were you when he needed you where were you when he tried to call you oh please don't act like a victim infront of the real victim"

Phayu "I don't know? I thought he died ,i tried to inquire,but everything pointed that he is dead, when cape came and told the truth i immediately went to you, but you aren't there,i searched rain, but i couldn't find you"

Nuea just huffed and said"see you just don't trust him until someone came to you with proofs,you even trusted your enemy more than your loved, aren't you......

Before nuea could complete lom and yiwa's mothers interrupted them lom is friend of pai and phayu and they treat both of them as their sons and they are selfish people who just want their children to do what they say 

Lom's mom : oh please when even rain is not speaking,why are you speaking. You are just a small wedding planner be in your limits, just because you were invited to the party you don't mean that you are of our status. This is what happens if we make unworthy people close to us. don't know why lom's sister recommended you

(They don't know nuea  is son of tharn type's heir as before he inherit their parents he wants to stand on his own legs and that is why he started wedding planning company,so tharn type didn't introduce nuea yet, he only took up lom's project himself because lom's sister is his classmate and friend)

Yiwa's mom: and rain just because you earned some money you are filled with that much pride and became so selfish that you forgot who you are,you even hided that you were alive, where you came from you,that is why I say all these middle class ones are gold diggers,first rain ,then this nuea who seduce yiwa and marine is trying to seduce lom, i think these are just blo....

Phayu,pai saifa , vegaspete,kinnPorsche, lom , and yiwa were furious, thankhun is burning in rage, how dare these ladies spat anything on his sunshine,he was about to say something,

Marine,nuea and rain got too much hurt because of the words marine and nuea felt tears in their eyes at that time they heard 3 familiar voices saying darkly

"I dare you to complete that sentence lady ,see what I will do to you"

There stood their parents in all their glory throwing daggers towards the two ladies who are slandering their children
Rain and nuea hugged fiat and tharn respectively, while the parents gave a reassuring nod to marine. Leo and type stand infront of the ladies covering marine completely.

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