Pete and Porsche knows the truth

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Pete pov :

After we saw rain's look alike all of us got doubts again,is it really not rain ? It is too much of a coincidence,how can a person look so much alike.

Today,porsche and I are going to the mall
for shopping as it is khun nu's birthday next week. We wanted to give him a surprise, so we started shopping for things we needed for  the party , the party location is not yet decided but we are thinking about holding it in one of the mansions owned by the family.

When we reached the mall,we went directly to the clothes shop,  We shopped for some clothes then we went to buy gifts and lastly we went to the decoration shop , Today is Sunday so the mall is over crowded, when we are shopping I saw rain, i mean noeul panicking and entering the shop looking for something,he looks scared and anxious,he is sweating and panting hard and looks like he will cry any moment, I think Porsche also saw him,I don't know if he is rain or not but i felt my heart string when I see him like that and i know Porsche is already making his way towards him , we went near and Porsche asked him "Hey noeul ,what happened? Why are you looking like this?

He looked at both of us and to our surprise he hugged both of us and started crying,then he said

Noeul :"pa, uncle Porsche", bowbow...... bowbow is missing.......i.....i .... can't find him anywhere ,i ...i ...i don't know where he went.....we...we were buying some paints and when I.....i..... paid and looked back for him but ....but......he was not there pa ,i ........tried to....... find him........ everywhere,but i can't........,pa i .......don't know what to do now,what should I do pa i am scared,what if...... something happens to him,i........don't know where he went,he.....must be very scared pa
There is so.......much crowd pa,what if ......he gets hurt ,pa i can't live if something happens to him,pa do something na, i ..i .... can't live without, uncle Porsche what should I do,i don't understand anything ?

Pete: Rain baby calm down,what is his dress colour today?

Noeul : it's...sobs..... it's a pink sweater..... and..... black jeans pa

Pete : it's ok baby i will find him you trust your pa right, (he nods) stay here with your uncle Porsche okay

Noeul no my rain broke down on my shoulder again, He kept crying so much I couldn't bear to leave him, My baby is in my arms after years but we had to find bowbow,so i gently broke the hug and wiped his tears ,i shifted him to Porsche's arms who gladly hugged him ofcourse he is our precious boy ,we can't bear a single tear in his eyes, when we got to know what phayu did to rain i was disappointed with my son, even after we got to know the truth,we still somewhere resented phayu , Porsche kept comforting rain when I gave him a nod and left with big and Pol who accompanied us in shopping

Pol immediately went to the announcement room,big went to the surveillance room while i was on a conference call with both of them, within minutes there was an announcement about a 3 year old boy with a  pink sweater, black jeans and jet black hair . Big started speaking as he found the boy near a book shop so i immediately went there ,i saw the boy sitting on the  floor crying as well, i went there and kneeled infront of him and started to speak with him so as to not agitate him further.

Pete: Hello do you remember me?

🌈: You are buddy's cutsomers  right ?

Pete : wow you really remember me?
What are you doing here?

🌈: I......i came with papa when papa buing coloors for me i got bored and want to see ootchide ,when i came out....big people puched me and I tried to call papa but thele is lot of choound hele, i can't find papa,i want papa,(he said while sobbing)

Pete : Then will you come with me i will take you to your papa

🌈 :No papa said no go with changers

Pete : so what should we do then

Bowbow took a paper from his pocket

🌈 : Hele , papa keeps it in my pockey,  so when I no find papa ,i can call him ,i tred to achk for pone but no give me

Pete : it's okay,i will give you my phone, call him here

Bowbow took the phone and called rain

🌈: Hello papa...

🌧️: Bowbow, baby where are you(still crying)

🌈: Papa i am here oly, buddies fend came to chave bowbow, bowbow is with buddy fend

🌧️: Can you give phone to him and come with him ok don't leave his hand this time

🌈: okey papa! Hele buddies fend papa chpeak to you

Pete: (smiles a bit ) rain baby don't worry,he is fine i will get him there , don't cry anymore,ok pa is coming

🌧️ :(Sobs)yes pa

We went to rain and he immediately ran to hug bowbow,they both hugged each other tightly which reminded me so much of rain hugging me when he gets scared, or payu yell at him,I got tears in my eyes I looked at Porsche having same look, we sighed in relief and happiness, or baby is not dead ,he is alive. Rain walked towards us and hugged us both  and said what we want to say " we need to talk "

We sat in a restaurant and he started explaining everything while bowbow played with big and Pol  and asked us to keep it secret, Porsche have tears in his eyes same goes with me,our baby suffered a lot, he got so much hurt ,
I know he still loves my useless son from his words and my idiotic son also loves him so i will make them a couple again,but before that my son needs to suffer a bit ,i will give him a good lesson, Porsche seem to be thinking the same,then bowbow came after washing his hands and rain went to wash his. Bowbow glared at us and said cautiously

🌈 : Are you tying to mally my papa, give up my papa is mine ,i will mally him when I am big

We both silently laughed then Porsche asked

Porsche: you know what is marriage

🌈 : Bowbow know , papa said mallage meanch taking Cale of the pelson you mally  and making happy

Porsche and me smiled rain is teaching him well, but oh my god i just realised I have a grandson wow, but he is my babies baby ,so similar to rain, he is so cute

Porsche : But your papa should yalobe fof such long time, why don't we find a dad for you so ,he can take care of your papa and make him happy

🌈: I chot abot it too ,i know papa like ,i tied to find good dad but my papa best no one good,hele is the list

handsome                  _______          ________

Smart                           _______        _________

Rich                              _______         ________

Caring.                          _______         ________

Love papa and             ________       ________

Wow my grandson is so caring, so we said

Pete : then we will find papa a good partner

🌈: Ok you all in my team, but papa seket

Porsche and pete: deal

Then rain came and we ate our lunch as we asked him about his life, he answered and asked us again to keep this as a secret ,but said we can say this to his dadda and uncle kinn (pout)as they are always his favourite but make sure they kept it secret as well.

When we were done,we invited bowbow to the party and also asked him to find a partner as it is mandatory for the party  as it's time for my son to suffer a bit ,as we both requested together my baby didn't say no .

We left from there feeling genuinely happy after a long time and drove towards our home excited to tell the news to our partners

That is it for now,what do you think about the chapter?

What do you think will happen in the party?

Who will be rain's partner?

I hope you like the chapter, please vote and comment 🙏

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