meet again

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Phayu's pov:

There was a meeting for merging negotiation with the rainbow group ,Theirsecretary was already there ,and they were satisfied with the proposal, they said that there will be a contract signing tomorrow and  a representative have to work in their office  so that they can understand procedure and rules of their company.

After meeting  rain i am very happy, it's been 3days ,i know rain won't forgive me easily but i will try my best, i know it is rain so we have to meet at any cost,we found his  address but there is too much security,and as I am stranger i can't get in, but i have to think about something, with that thought i slept as i should be working in rainbow group for a month, i accepted because it is near to rain's house and convenient for me to see rain after office hours.

Rain's pov:

After that day i always thought of p'phayu words, i too miss pa , dadda, uncle khun,uncle softie , uncle cool, and my band group. When I was thinking my phone rang, it was Nuea , he asked me to  come home for a chit chat as it is still early I went there we spoke about everything and when I came back i saw my baby waiting for me,i went to him hugged him ,we all had dinner and me and my baby went to sleep early as it will be my baby's first day in school tomorrow.

Next day,We woke up early in the morning and did our morning business, went down ,had our breakfast, and drove to bowbow's playschool, it is good,dad recommended it for me after lot of enquiry (he is overprotective of papa , bowbow and me, he contacted atleast all the parents in the school before recommending it to me), i sent bowbow in and went to office as today I have a contract signing and a welcome party(it's just  like welcome them to family) for a company. I don't know much about the company as my secretary is the one who handles the details,she is dad's trusted employee and i trust her,she is just like an aunt to me, I came to office and did all my work,at 12 pm there is contract signing and 1 pm we have lunch  it will end at 2:30 pm so i will have enough time to pick up bow bow at 3:00 pm

Soon it's 11:30 and everyone started gathering at meeting hall, and i went there at 12pm sharp

Author pov:

Phayu and his boss reached the head office for contract signing by 11:30 and the assistant lead them to meeting room ,phayu start looking at the office with permission and he finds it amusing, the office is simple and elegant,there is a playroom for children of employees (rain
made it as he understands how hard it is to deal with children sometimes), there is a garden outside to relax with an out door canteen and benches tables, overall it reminds him of his university,after sometime he went back to the meeting room as it is almost 12:00

At sharp 12:00 CEO entered with his secretary and wished everyone, phayu was shocked seeing the CEO, there stood his rain , he is the CEO of the group they are merging with, the infamous NOEUL
wow, that is when noeul looked back at him, he can see the surprise look of noeul in his eyes,but it's only for a moment later it again replaced with a blank look ,the meeting started and the contract was signed by 12:50 and everyone started moving towards the dining area yes ,they have their dining area for employees and some time to organise lunch and dinner party. I am so happy now as I can see rain daily from now on and I am proud of him ,my love has grown a lot and he is a CEO of a group of companies, thank God i am also a sleeping partner of the company i am working  at so i can come to the signing and see him,or else I would not have known.

Rain on the other hand was surprised to see phayu but he composed himself,he don't want to merge professional and personal life, and phayu's office is good so he don't have any problem,they signed contract and started moving towards dining area when he got a call from bow bow 's playschool,they said today there was an event and children were sent home early ,they already finished their lunch ,so they asked if i could come and pick bowbow ,  but i should attend the lunch here as it is very important,so i thought for a while and said my friend will come and pick up bow bow, i immediately called nuea and asked him if he can pick up bowbow, to which he agreed happily, he also asked if he could take bowbow with him as he has a meeting with his client and they have no problem with taking a child with him, i thought for a while and said yes ,to which he seems to get super excited, and i know he is with p'lom and he wants to introduce him to bowbow from a long time (he always denies his crush on p'lom but i know better)I sighed in relief and went to dining area .

Rain pov:

At the dining area p'phayu started speaking with me and I know he is trying to check if i am rain ,so i replied normally

🌀: Hi ! Mr.Noeul

🌧️: Hello !Mr .phayu

🌀: I am sorry for that day,i thought you are my rain ,you know you look exactly like him except for your hair.

🌧️: Oh really,then when can I meet him

🌀 : He left me three years ago

🌧️: Did  you broke up or did he cheated on you or something

🌀: No he didn't, i misunderstood him, told him to go away, and he really went faraway from me(teared up)

🌧️: That's so sad I hope you will find him, anyways all the best Mr.Phayu and welcome to the family

Then i went away , i acted normal, but only i know how hurt i am,no matter what he did in his past i can't see him crying.

We had our lunch and everyone started to work again and i already got a call from nuea that he picked up bowbow during lunch only, i want him to spend some time with bowbow as i know how much he misses him

Nuea's pov:

I am only way to khun pai's house when I got a call from noeul asking me to pick up my buddy , i happily agreed and asked if i can take him with me as I want to introduce him to p' lom , i am avoiding him after i got to know he have a fiancee so,i know he will be there in khun pai's house as he is his friend . I always deny noeul when he says I have a crush on p'lom,but i know i am Falling for him which is very wrong as he have a fiancee, so i don't know what to do, with this thoughts i pick my buddy up and we both started driving towards theerapanyakul house

That is it for now

I hope you like the chapter

Next up is the major and minor family meeting with bowbow

What do you think would be their reaction what would be noeul's reaction

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