#2 Anouncement

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My leg was bouncing up and down anxiously under the table. Our grades will be given out any minute now, and I am 5 minutes away from finding my professor and bribing her into working faster.

The tension could be cut with a knife at this point, but  no one mentioned it. Hailey was empathetic enough to feel my anxiety and Sandra was in the same boat as me. This proved to be a worse stressor than the exams themselves.

After this was over, I will be napping my day away (or crying myself to sleep - if my grades turn out bad). I know for a fact that the girls will have a different idea for tonight, but I can't bring myself to dress up and leave the house right now, so I won't be joining them.

A ping of notification was heard from Sandra's laptop and everyone in the room froze. I looked at her monitor over her shoulder and read her scores with her. Outstanding marks on all her exams!

I hugged her in excitement, and Hailey gave her a big kiss on the cheek. We were so happy for her, and she seemed to be in shock still, when my phone chimed as well. My grades!

I took my phone and opened the Email, but I didn't know how to react when I read it. Almost all of the had perfect scores. And the worst I got was an Average. The only reason it bugged me, is because I couly've done better, but I was way too busy with being happy to care about that one bad grade.

I got the same tight hug and kiss on the cheek, as we started giggling in excitement over our success. Hailey ran in the kitchen and came back with a bottle of champagne -which looked way too expensive- and three glasses.

She handed one to each of us and poured the alcoholic goodie without a second thought. "To both your amazing scores!" She sad, and downed her drink. So did Sandra and I, although I did it much more calculatedly, so they wouldn't offer me another glass. I didn't need a hangover tomorrow.

It only took a few minutes for the doorbell to ring. We didn't expect anyone to come by today, so I chose to open the door with caution. We were still three women living on our own, and I wasn't about to let someone dangerous inside.

Our guest , however, was only a danger to Hailey's blood-pressure and dignity. It was Jessy. She was a cute little thing with her long brown hair and deep-blue eyes. She was petite, short and slim. Her skin  was tan and her face was adorned with freckles.

She was a bit shy at first, but as I found out, turns out that she is a fiercely passionate and protective person. She might not be phisically strong but with her sharp tongue and smart mouth, she could cause damage to anyone's self-esteem. I have yet to see half of these statements coming true, because most of what I knew about her was from Hailey not knowing when to shut up.

"Hi there Jessy. Come in. What brings you here?" I greeted her, stepping out of the doorway and letting her inside. She smiled and let herself in, putting her coat on the rack and leaving her shoes outside, before venturing into our livingroom.

"Hi there. I actually came because Hailey told me to personally inform her of my grades when I get them, and I thought, why not do it in person. But if I came at the wrong time then I can just come back later." She offered, and I shook my head. "No need, I just didn't expect you."

Jessy barely managed to step in the livingroom, and hailey was already blushing. At first I didn't get why, but the short shorts Jessy was wearing probably explained most of it.

After a bit of small talk Sandra and I left the two love-birds alone. Sandy took some snack from her not-so-secret stash and went to her room to watch a movie. I sat down to read for a while, but I couldn't manage to. My mood simply wasn't fit for reading right now, so I decided to do something else.

I changed into some joggers and a sports-bra, and I pit on my running shoes. I got my headphones and tied my hair in a bun. I was going to take adavntage of the fact that it's still light outside and go for a run.

Back in fall it turned into a habit of mine, but lately I've been continously skipping it. Not because I didn't enjoy it, simply because I had more important things to do.

Running was something I enjoyed greatly. It let me clear my mind better than anything. It was just the road and I, the wind blowing past me and carrying my unsaid thoughts as tiny pieces of my secrets never to be told again.

There was something so intimate and soothing about your legs carrying your body while the air and nature take in your thoughts, sirt the out and put it back in your head in an organised array of memories and ideas, some to be shared and some to be kept.

This time, I was just running for a turnoff. I needed the wind and the tiny wonders of the day to take away my thoughts piece by piece and let me rest without my overwhelmed mind getting more tired.

And running really did it. It took away my worries and suddenly, a solution was offered in the form of an idea. A vacation! That's what I needed so badly, that's what I was missing.

I got back from my jog way more energized than when I left, my new idea bouncing around in my skull like a ping-pong ball in a championship. I left for my room and I didn't even care about showering (even though I probably should have). I opened my laptop and searched around for quite a bit, before coming across the perfect place.

Thankfully I didn't need to worry about payment, I was fortunate enough to have a wealthy family who provided me with more than enough money each month. This allowed me to have enough spared in my bank account for a vacation.

I was about to take off to show the girls my amazing idea, when my own sweaty stench hit my nose. I decided to hop in the shower first and only talk to them after.

30 minutes and a hot shower later I stepped in the livingroom to find Sandra and Jessy beating Hailey atrociously in Mario Kart. I paused the game cruelly right before Hailey managed to get her first win of the night, and among their booing I connected my laptop to the tv.

"Girls, we are going on vacation!" I anounced, showing them the pictures of the cute cabin I found.

It fit four people, had a kitchen and air conditioning. It was located in Utah, at a quiet little lake. According to my research (and the description of the place) there was an aquapark an hour away and a faire in a town not much further. There was also a supposedly haunted house (which would be fun to explore even if it's not really haunted.) And there is enough peace and quiet for us to actually relax as well.

The girls sat in silence for a few seconds before they started cheering, but Jessy suddenly paused. "Am I also allowed to come? Or was it just going to be you three? I don't want to intrude."

"Oh please, you are not intruding on our fun. You're our friend and as such, you are of course more than welcome to join us." I smiled at her and Hailey nodded along rapidly, clearly wanting her there as well. Sandra also seemed more than okay with it, which left us  all in a cheerful mood.

We started planning the details of this vacation, and found more things to try out.

This will be the best vacation of our lives!

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