Chapter 1

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The cicadas' shrieks penetrated through the screened windows, persisting in their noise even when fully aware of their surroundings. Every sound seemed to condemn the intense midsummer heat.

In the previous moment, Ji Xiao had been lying in her thin straps, trying to sleep with the aid of a fan, hoping along with the cicadas that this oppressive summer would swiftly pass. Then, in an instant, a rush of cold enveloped her as if her very being was covered by an icy shroud. The room felt as chilly as if an air conditioner had been switched on. The scent of mint infused her skin, its coolness mingling with the refreshing tingles that washed away the stickiness she had felt before drifting off to sleep.

Ji Xiao didn't question why her dormitory had air conditioning. Instead, she snuggled back into her pillow, finding comfort in the chilly atmosphere.

However, the gradual cooling that initially brought comfort eventually turned into a discomfort for Ji Xiao. The mint fragrance seemed to seep into her skin, causing her previously calm blood to surge restlessly.

Her heart raced faster and faster, a surge of restive fire building up within her, and an inexplicable tingling sensation radiated from the back of her neck, as if something was on the verge of emerging from within her.

"Miss, please wake up..."

An unfamiliar voice reached Ji Xiao's ears.

The voice sounded cautious, tinged with fear.

Ji Xiao remained oblivious to who the voice was addressing, closing her eyes as she inhaled more of the cool mint scent, attempting to suppress the unwarranted fervor that had overtaken her. Nevertheless, the frenzy grew stronger, like a force about to break free, and the back of her neck felt damp with perspiration.


It then struck Ji Xiao that she had been wearing a thin strap.


The cautious voice resounded once more, accompanied by a touch.

A hand patted Ji Xiao's shoulder a few times before quickly retreating.

At this point, Ji Xiao realized who the voice addressed.

Yet, an even deeper sense of confusion took root within her. A young lady? When had a modest senior year student like her turned into a "miss"?

Baffled, Ji Xiao slowly opened her eyes, only to be met with an expanse of pitch-black darkness. "Miss, please accept this first."

As the voice spoke, it drew closer to Ji Xiao's side. As her vision adjusted to the dimness, she managed to discern the figure of a maid, dressed in traditional attire, exhibiting an air of deference and a hint of fear...

Contrary to what Ji Xiao assumed, the room lacked an air conditioner, and there were no windows for ventilation. It was the room itself that emanated a cooling sensation, rendering it somewhat cold...

The Perfect Heroine wants to Possess me {English Translation}Where stories live. Discover now