Chapter 1-Meeting friends again

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Team RWBY and Jaune have arrived through a portal back to the world of Remnant. Standing outside the desert kingdom of Vacuo the team smiles and starts to head down the cliff to the city. Blake and Yang hand in hand lead the way to the city, the desert is unbelievably hot, hotter than any of them have felt before. In the city there is a boulder with each of team RWBY and Jaune's names on it, the boulder has a ring of flowers on it and surrounding the area there are hundreds of people morning what they think are the fallen heroes of Atlas their former home. Standing up in front of everyone is Qrow Branwen and Winter Schnee. Qrow while crying walks up to a podium to start speaking.

"We are all here to honor true heroes, heroes who sacrificed numerous efforts to save a kingdom that fell under attack by not only a great evil but it's own leader who grew too paranoid to properly think of how to defend you all" A teary eyed Qrow manages to get out before looking up and his eyes grow wide seeing 5 figures standing by an entrance to the center of town. Team RWBY and their friend Jaune stand there looking at the boulder that is meant to symbolize their grave. Ruby walks forward and speaks with a bright smile on her face "hello everyone glad you are all doing well" she speaks looking over the crowd before footsteps are heard approaching her with increasing speed. Qrow runs up and holds  Ruby close then pulls Yang into the embrace as well before the three of them let out tears of joy.

"I thought you were all crushed when Atlas fell, what exactly happened to you all" A crying Qrow manages to let out before shaking his head "It doesn't matter all that matters is that you are all here now and safe"

Meanwhile Weiss reunites with her mother, brother, and sister who is in incredible guilt over her role in obeying Iron Wood and the death of Penny.  Weiss hugs her family, meanwhile Blake just stands there by herself as Jaune ran off to reunite with his team. 

Suddenly an arm reaches out and pulls Blake into the embrace of Ruby, Yang, and Qrow. Blake gasps in surprise but has quickly accepted into the group hug while she smiles.

Yang looks up at Qrow and takes a deep breath "Uncle Qrow this is my girlfriend Blake"

Qrow looks surprised at first then smiles "well alright then welcome to the family Blake"

Blake smiles holding Yang's hand as both of them smile at Qrow and Ruby.

Qrow messes with Ruby's hair "wanna tour around the place? it isn't much but it works"

"UHHH YEAAAA"  both Ruby and Yang say at the same time then look at each other then start laughing as they run off with Qrow.

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