Chapter 4: Hunt for the mysterious figure

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It's been nearly a week since the incidents started, team RWBY,Qrow,and Winter are in a room going over the events they keep finding around the town while investigating the incidents. Ruby stands up and sighs hard then looks at some evidence they found at some of the crime scenes.

"The glass we found at several of the scenes is familiar to me it isn't normal glass tho it is" Ruby gasps before her eyes widen and she screams in shock "CINDER" her face forms a huge pout.

Winter suggests a patrol over the outer walls to scout for Cinder, which Yang and Blake volunteer for in a heart beat as they not only wanna be alone finding night time star gazing romantic but they also just wanna help out as much as they can.

Later that night the two hold hands walking around the outer walls,the two have smiles on their face while they look up at the stars. Yang's smile fades first as she turns to Blake "Do you really think Cinder is out there? I mean I don't remember much after I got Knocked off that platform and landed in the ever after"
Blake pouts and her cat ears go flat "Well she escaped, knocked me, Neo,and Ruby off before leaving so we know she is still out there, and if she is the one causing the incidents in town we will stop her together Yang" Blake then smiles but before Yang could speak a giant fireball blasts between the two knocking them into the desert.

Yang falls in sand while a Black cloaked figure stands above Yang. The figure takes off their hood then smirks down at Yang. Cinder fires up a sword and holds it at her neck "Any last words?" Right then Gambol shroud spins in the air going between the two as Yang stands up with an angry expression and grabs it pulling the rope tied to it bringing Blake in, Blake kicking Cinder away.

Cinder moves back several inches into the sand then launches herself forward and clashes blades with Blake who uses an ice clone to freeze Cinder's arm and blade, Yang rushes forward about to land a straight punch to Cinder. Cinder activates her maiden power making her blade hotter to melt the ice and launches into the air then slams down on the sand turning a big chunk into glass which stabs both Blake and Yang in their legs several times both of them grunting in pain.

Yang shoots two shotgun bolts into the ground freeing her from the glass then Blake throws gambol to Yang but Cinder shoots a fire ball that blows gambol away. Yang shoots two blast behind her that send her tword Cinder, her blade meets Yang's gauntlets and Blake rushes Cinder from behind. Cinder smirks and sets off a huge explosion as soon as Blake gets close.

Blake and Yang are sent flying backwards and their auras break. Blake lands on some glass spikes stabbing her in her lower stomach blood being spilled as she screams in pain.

"BLAKE!" Yang screams as she just lands on the ground and Cinder quickly dashes to Yang. Preparing a fireball of enormous size when a bullet hits the fire ball, turning it into ice. A flash of red appears in front of Yang and turns into Ruby. Ruby stands in front of Yang, Ruby not looking happy to see Cinder again.

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