Chapter 5: The flame dies down, Ruby unleashed

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Yang lays in the sand staring up at Ruby who defended her from Cinder's last fireball. Ruby glaring at Cinder and spins Crescent Rose to turn it into scythe and points the blade at Cinder. Cinder smirks looking at Ruby thinking she isnt strong enough to finish the fight.

"Hmph little red so it is true you are also still alive hats a shame but I finally get to kill you myself" with that said and a soft chuckle Cinder lunges forward and forms a second blade now duel wielding sword preparing to slash Ruby. Ruby just simply lifts her blade and deflects the strikes against her. Yang watches as her sister and Cinder zip around at high speeds only seeing sparks of their blades colliding and the sand sent flying from their movements. This isnt normal Ruby is fighting differently more aggressive but also defensively.

Cinder cries out in pain as she falls to one knee holding onto her grimm arm as she grunts looking up at Ruby who is smirking at the downed Cinder. with a chuckle Ruby speaks "it's over Cinder this is the last time we do this, I know your moves I can beat you and I will win"

Cinder yells out standing up and starts to form a fireball the size of a desk globe "you think you have won this don't you, you cocky brat I will burn you alive" Just as she's about to throw the fire ball, gambol shroud wraps around her waist. Cinder turns around to see a barely standing Blake, Blake standing in some burnt sand bleeding on the ground while holding a stretched out gambol shroud. Ruby zips forward and a single flash of light is seen as her silver eyes activated.

Cinder falls to both knees as her grimm arm vanishes and she just looks emotionless as she stares at the distance. Ruby walks up to Cinder and out of rage does something she has never done before to another human, Crescent roses blade presses into Cinders neck and with a flick of the wrist Cinder's head falls to the sand and blood turns the sands she lays in crimson red.

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