6: Please mind the Wren-less morning

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6: Please mind the Wren-less morning

--- picspam by @split-socks ---

When Teddy awoke, it was quarter to eleven in the morning. She rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed to spend a few moments to reminisce Nathan's defeat in the match the day before plus her amazing cash prize. She remembered the night before where they took soft drink shots (Natalie, Nathan, and Ethan; Teddy politely refused and watched instead) and celebrated Nathan's good playing (they didn't celebrate Teddy's win because whenever someone mentioned it, Ethan looked constipated). Letting out a rare smile, she hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

She opened her door and let out a happy announcement. "Good morning!" she proclaimed to all inhabitants of the Wren household. Sniffing the air for signs of delicious breakfast, she frowned. No breakfast. No Wrens.

"Hello?" she shouted, her cheerful mood dissolved. "Bloody gits, just leaving the house like that."

She made herself some scrambled eggs on toast with hot tea and decided to do some sight seeing. After all, she'd still be leaving in two weeks. She gulped down the rest of her tea (she never was one to drink tea slowly with her pinky sticking out), got dressed, grabbed her Sydney tourists' map, and headed out.

Teddy roamed around the area then took a cheap bus tour around the major landmarks. She relaxed on the seat and looked out and saw the famous Sydney Opera House. They were just passing by the Harbour Bridge when she saw a silver Honda car out the window pass by, heading for the opposite direction.

Through the silver Honda windows' tint, she squinted and saw...

"Brownie," she whispered to herself. Sure enough, it was Nathan in the backseat with Ethan driving and Natalie beside him.

Teddy gazed in the direction the car came from and saw a large white building. Strange...

"S'cuse me," she hollered to the tour guide who was enthusiastically going on about a pigeon flying past the bus. "What's that building over there? The big white one?"

"That's the hospital, that is, miss," said the guide into his microphone.

Without bothering to say a "thank you", she leaned back down on her seat and waited until the tour was over. The hospital... why would they be there? Probably all the soda shots, Teddy thought, maybe they got a nasty stomach ache. And Teddy stuck to that conclusion as she walked back to the Wrens' house.

"Hello, dear, have you had breakfast? We're sorry we couldn't be here this morning," Natalie said as Teddy opened the front door and stepped inside. Nathan's mother was busying herself with some barbecue for lunch.

"Oh yeah, I was fine, no problem. Just went on a tour," Teddy replied. "So what were you up to?"

"We—" began Natalie but was interrupted by Nathan who was untying his shoelaces. 

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