Chapter 1,,

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Pipers pov


Gods help me.. I thought. I couldn't stop thinking of Annabeth. I scrolled through pictures of me and Annabeth on the Demigod phone that Leo had built us last summer. I had stayed at camp for the entire year- using the excuse that I was in acting school so my dad didn't get worried- while Annabeth went to architecture school to pursue her dreams.

 Now you may be asking- what about Jason? He and I broke up last summer, so did Annabeth and Percy. We didn't break up on bad terms though, we just lost interest- same with Percabeth. Oh wow, it's been a long time since I've used the word Percabeth- anyways, where was I? Oh, right so I stayed at camp Annabeth went to school yada yada yada-blah blah blah. I stared at my phone my finger hovering above Reynas contact y'know what?

Fuck it. I thought and I pressed on her name and started typing frantically about my crush on Annabeth and all of my emotions. When I was finished I had a three paragraph essay, I wish I was able to write like that when I had to. *cough* school *cough*. 

 I deleted almost all of it and ended up sending this: I have a crush on Annabeth. I know- so original. I looked down at my phone again. Read 12:32 and below that was: Reyna is typing... . I sighed and sat down at my desk. I'll be fine, help is on the way, I thought my spirits lifting a little. 


Ten minutes later I'm still waiting for Reynas response, either Reyna doesn't know what to type or she's writing an entire essay. 

 I pocketed my phone and walked outside the gentle breeze and perfect weather hitting me as soon as I stepped over the threshold. I sighed contentedly, thank the gods Percy hasn't made Zeus mad today I thought thankfully and walked to the training area which was basically just a very large sand pit with training dummy's and weapons. Definitely not kid friendly.

 I reached my destination and fished my dagger out of my pocket looking up I realized Jason and Percy were sparring with each other in the arena. Percy glanced in my direction and spotted me 'wassup Piper?' he greeted, parrying Jason's strike and ducking under his legs. 'Do' Jason swept Percy's legs out from under him and tried pinning him down 'you' Percy wheezed 'know when Annabeth's coming?' He gasped out the last sentence kicking Jason off him and struggling to stand up. 'No not yet' I said my eyes traveled from Jason to Percy like I was watching a Ping Pong match as they stared each other down.

 Jason ran forwards in Percy's direction tackling him while Percy struggled in his grip, though it was impossible to escape after Jason had gained so much momentum from his attack.

 'AgH' Percy made a strangled sound in the back of his throat, glaring at Jason as if he could take him down by staring real hard at him. Obviously, his tactic didn't work.

 'I win' Jason announced triumphantly pumping his fists in the air while Percy fell out of his arms and crumpled to the ground. 'UGHHHHHHH' Percy groaned while he rolled on to his back and started throwing a tantrum pounding his fists on the ground like a giant toddler.

 'ITS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEEEKKK!' he . 'Man child!' I teased. 'NO?!' Percy objected sitting up and wagging his finger at me like a kindergarten teacher. 'This is why you're gay' I smirked, crossing my arms. 'NOoo' Percy whined while glaring at me. 'how did this happen?' A voice behind me inquired.

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