Chapter 10,,

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Pipers POV:


A giant robot was chasing us. A giant robot was chasing us. I repeated that phrase over and over again in my head until it started to get slightly repetitive. Why I kept reminding myself of the obvious? I wouldn't know. Maybe that's what happens when you're about to die. The clicking and whirring of the robot, came into earshot again, effectively snapping me out of my thoughts.

Annabeth just stood next to me, my hand still squeezed her arm so tightly that it must've hurt.

The blonde's expression was a mixture of confusion, horror, and shock as she gazed up at the approaching monster-thing.

I blinked hard, my eyes scanning the recesses of the bunker, as if that would help. I cursed myself mentally, HOLY SHIT FUCK, PIPER RUN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?? I was actually so real for that. No seriously Piper run or you and Annabeth are actually going to die. I still didn't move, my brain screamed at me to run but my body was paralyzed with fear. One moment I could run and now I couldn't anymore. Stupid human bodies.

The robot was fast approaching, I could see a the faint glow of bronze and the dull outline of giant, gaping, metal jaws just waiting to cut me and my best friend (?) into a thousand little pieces. Annabeth scrambled backwards in a panic, tripping over her own feet a few times before stumbling away from the robot and dragging me behind with her. If we weren't about to be chopped into pieces and turned into a sandwich I would've found her stumbling quite cute because of the fact that she looked like a wounded puppy. My hand stopped gripping her arm and moved down to clutch her hand, allowing Annabeth to drag me away a little bit more quickly.

In those brief moments of terror, time slowed down. The clicking and whirring of the robot, so loud and incessant, invaded my ears with its loud clanging. And yet amidst that noise, I could hear the beating of our rapid heartbeats as we tried to process what was happening. All at once, the blonde's expression changed from confusion to shock as she realized what was coming. I felt paralyzed with fear, unable to move, as my brain tried to make sense of it all. I could see the faint glow of bronze and dull outline of the giant, gaping, metal jaws. 

The robot came closer with rapid steps and whirring sound in its metal joints. Abruptly, the robot stopped for a moment, its jaw clicking as it tilted its head slightly, like a giant robot puppy. Annabeth and I both froze, the robot's movements had caught us off guard. We stared at the metal creature in the middle of the dark, unsure of what it was doing. I leaned forward , trying to see more of the robot's features as it became slightly recognizable. I was still terrified of course, but the robot's innocence and its cute demeanor were disarming in a way that was almost familiar.

I squinted, desperately trying to see in the dimly lit bunker. I could faintly make out the robots sharp features and intricate details- the bumpy ridges on trailing down its back that looked like a spine, it's sharp metal jaw-it all seemed strangely familiar, almost too familiar. I shifted, becoming slightly uneasy under the gaze of this odd robot-creature.

 I glanced at Annabeth just as she glanced at me, it was almost like we were moving in sync. My multi-colored eyes met her pretty grey ones and we came to a silent conclusion. The so called "monster" that we thought was a crazy machine trying to kill us, turned out to be Festus the entire time.

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