Character introduction

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This is a fanfic of supernatural academy -after the dragon king- with new characters waiting to meet you! :)

This is a fanfic of supernatural academy -after the dragon king- with new characters waiting to meet you! :)

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Michael Henderson 17
A relative of the known Lebron family.
Son of Liz who in this version is Jonathan's sister.
Abilities are all round shifter and sorcerer.
Personality: Playful, adventurous, kind and trouble maker.

Sarah Gatlin 16Daughter of Tasha, a highschool rebel who finds out about her abilities abruptly

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Sarah Gatlin 16
Daughter of Tasha, a highschool rebel who finds out about her abilities abruptly.
Abilities are water manipulation and fae of nature.
Personality: Everybody's best friend, crazy adventurous, cake lover (like Jessa).

You know the rest!

You know the rest!

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Jessa Lebron 16

Misha Lebron/Jackson 16

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Misha Lebron/Jackson 16

Misha Lebron/Jackson 16

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Maximus 17

Braxton 17

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Braxton 17

Our beloved Jae :) 17

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Our beloved Jae :) 17

Our beloved Jae :) 17

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Terra Rihan 16

Jonathan Lebron 38

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Jonathan Lebron 38

Lienda Lebron/Jackson 36

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Lienda Lebron/Jackson 36

The rest of our beloved characters will be revealed as we dive deeper into the story.... Enjoy!

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