001: The Wizard and the Fae

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"A dragon was resurrected and its subjects were looking forward to triumphing over all living creatures but then, two brave teenagers stood and fought against its darkness. 

"What is shattered must be mended and what is mended must be shattered." Sarah narrated to her attentive audience.

"What does that mean?" Michael asked with an arched brow. 

"I don't know but my Mom used to tell me about some dragon king in a book when I was younger." 

"Me too."

"Do you think we should ask them about it?" She sat down and crossed her arms.

"Of course, my uncle knows about all those kinds of things." 

"Okay but what does he do? How does he know these things?" She tilted her head to the side a little.

"He uhm... he's just really into things like that." He stuttered with a fake smile.

"Well let's hope he knows more than I do cause I've studied about supernatural creatures all my life." She emphasized.

After a minute of awkward silence, Michael uttered, "there's something I need to tell you--"

The school bell went off and it was time to head to their various classes. 

"Save it for later purple, we better head to class before Mr TomTom gives us detention again." Mr TomTom being the school's principal.

"Detention?... I love detention, it's like a way of skipping all the boring house chores by still being in school." He said with a sly grin on his face.

"Tell me about it, except it brings nothing but trouble from our parents." 

They both got up and went to mathematics class together.


"Late again Miss Gatlin and Mr Henderson." The teacher scowled at them.

"Oh I'm so sorry Mr Sam." Michael expressed sarcastically as he strolled to his seat.

"Ugh!" Mr Sam grunted irritatedly.

Sarah silently followed Michael to her seat with a smile on her face.

"Now where were we..."

Mr Sam elaborated more on trigonometry and how to solve the equations but his loud stern voice was like a lullaby to Sarah and it was putting her to sleep.

"Sarah!" Michael called out in a hushed tone as he gently nudged her awake. "Sarah!"

"Huh?" She looked around like she was in a foreign land. "I can't concentrate Michael, I saw the dragon again but this time it was different." She expressed in fear.

"What do you mean?"

"Ehem! There seems to be another class going on at the back... care to tell us what it is about Mr Henderson?" Mr Sam asked.


"Sure." Mr Sam responded with a smirk. "Come out here and tell the class what you were discussing." 

"Okay." Michael got up from his seat and went to the front of the class

 He turned to his classmates and began speaking with confidence. "We were talking about dragons and supernatural things."

Laughter filled the classroom as the students found his words funny. The silent graveyard mood had now been lifted by Michael's words.

"Do you think this is a joke Mr Henderson?" Mr Sam fumed.

The bell went off, signifying the end of the class and the students all exited the room. Saved by the bell, Michael and Sarah had dodged another detention.

They went to the cafeteria and Sarah expatiated more on her dream.

"So this time, there's the whole dragon thing and it's death but then at his death, another trouble was born."

"What kind of trouble? Another dragon?" Michael asked as he stuffed his tray with food.

"No, I saw a book but you know with this kind of crazy aura that smelled like evil and death." She picked some fruits into her tray.

"I'm... not sure I know what evil and death smells like." 

She punched him in the forearm, "you know what I mean." She smiled.

"Of course I do." 

They both went to their table and sat down. 

"So what is this whole new dream about and why am I getting them? From the books I've read, someone sees these things in the form of a dream or vision but it always turns out to be real life... Do you think supernaturals really exist?"

Michael almost choked on his pineapple at her question and he spat out the juicy remains in his mouth. 

"Ew! Watch it purple!" She exclaimed.

"What?" He asked in a high pitched tone. "Supernaturals! Of course not." He expressed along side a chuckle. "That's a crazy thought."

"Think about purple, it could be, I mean there's a whole lotta world out there." 

"Those are just myths and legends."

"I hope so. Oh hey! Something weird happened to me this morning." She took a big bite from her apple.

"Do tell." He sipped from his drink.

"So my plant, Christophene was dying and I sang to it, yunno just humming the tune in my head but he somehow woke up."  

"Maybe it was the sunlight's nutrient."

"I think I'd know that, imma plant person, I love plants and I know everything about it." She smiled. 

"Then maybe it's your love for him."

"The more I think about it… The more I feel it's something like that, maybe we've grown too fond of each other and he didn't want to leave." 

"Love is the greatest power." 

They both continued to eat in silence.


After a long day at school, both trouble makers went to their various homes, unaware of the fate that awaited them.

Michael got home to meet his dearest uncle, Jonathan who knew all about dragons and all.

"Uncle!,what a surprise!" He went to hug his uncle.

While Sarah got home to meet a stranger talking with her Mum.

"Honey this is Lienda." Her mother told her.

Both Jonathan and Lienda said to the teenagers at the same time; "there's something I must tell you." 

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