Forever & Always: Snowed In

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Chapter 1

Over a small town blanketed by a dark night sky, a crisp air softly carries thick snow flakes to the ground, leaving a thick white layer.

Claire Alison, the first of the 4 teenagers you will meet was merely 17 with long, wild red hair and stunning blue eyes. She was going over her packing list for the 4 forth time that day, ensuring she has everything for the teenager’s trip to Quebec. Claire’s parents owned a hotel franchise with hotels located around the globe and one of their largest hotels was based in Quebec Canada where Claire, along with her 3 best friends would be traveling on that very night, Christmas Eve. The condition of course was that the 17 year olds planned and funded the trip themselves. There was however a twist to this trip. Two of the invited travelers were un-aware that 4 of them were going. Hailey was under the impression that it would be herself, Claire and Gerard when Chase was under the impression that it would be himself, Gerard and Claire. The reason that Claire and Gerard had kept this quiet was Hailey and Chase had once dated, they hoped that by inviting them both they would get back together.

Claire placed 3 or 4 books into her bag, including a French to English dictionary over her neat and ordered suitcase and zipped it up with ease. She picked it up and wheeled it out of her room, turning off the light and shutting the door with a click.

Hailey Swift, the second of our teenagers you will meet was Claire’s faithful best friend since Kindergarten but had a confidence that Claire lacked that allowed her to rule the school with her popularity. She had long dark hair that found itself in many different hair styles everyday and she had a beauty that girls were jealous of and boys went weak at the knees at. She was quickly packing for the trip to Quebec, trying on countless of outfits and throwing them into her suitcase along with her hair straighter, accessories and other completely essential items. After much debate about what high heels she would bring, she struggled to zip up her bag. It was only when she sat on it a few times and called in her older brother did she finally succeed. Then, like Claire she flicked off the light as she watched her brother carry her bag down the stairs.

Twins, Chase and Gerard Taylor had left their packing to the last minute and when the taxi to the airport arrived they were still desperately trying to pack things into their bags. When at last they were running down the stairs with their bags slung over their shoulders they were stopped by their mom shaking her head muttering something about ‘cutting it fine’

They reached Logan Airport in Boston half an hour later and Gerard looked towards the Airport and muttered “First things first, find Claire and Hailey” Gerard said.

Chase froze “You mean, find Claire?” Chase corrected him hopeful that it was a slip of the tongue.

“Nope, I meant Claire and Hailey”

“You’re kidding” Chase said almost angrily.

“Nope” Ger smiled as he handed Chase his bag as he pulled it out of the trunk.

Chase glared at his brother as they walked into the entrance of the airport where they would check in. He was so annoyed that Gerard and Claire had tricked him, Hailey and him hadn’t talked in months and when they had talked it had been in arguments. It was when the boys spotted Claire and Hailey talking that Chase wondered if Hailey was as oblivious to the fact that there would be 4 of them as he had been. He wondered if he could have a little fun with this, having his ex on this trip wasn’t going to put a damper on his excitement.

“Hays! Over here!” yelled Claire excitedly. “Oh my gosh!  I can’t believe that we are actually doing this!”

“I know!” Hailey yelled back as she rushed over to Claire with difficulty dragging behind an excessive amount of luggage. After they hugged each other, Hailey left Claire and got in line to check in. As she waited in line, Hailey thought about the upcoming trip. No one but her and her two best friends going to Quebec, it was going to be the best trip ever. She was a bit worried about feeling like a third wheel as Ger and Claire were going out but she still couldn’t wait to see the fancy hotel that Claire’s parents owned.

 “Can I see you’re passport please?” The clear male voice behind the counter said interrupting Hailey’s thoughts.

Hailey placed her passport on the counter with a smile and waited patiently as the man examined it. 

“And how many bags would you like to check in Miss Swift?”

“Just these two” Hailey said gesturing to the two large suitcases beside her. 

“Ok. can you please put your bags on the scales.” He said with authority. Hailey bent down to pick up her bags but found that actually lifting the bags was a lot harder than wheeling them. She gave the man an awkward smile and tried again to lift them with all her strength.

“Can I give you a hand?” Hailey turned to the deep voice and her heart dropped. What was he doing here?


 By the shocked expression on Hailey’s face he knew immediately that she was as surprised to see him as he had been to hear she would be on this trip.

“They didn’t tell you either?” he said with a smile.

“Nope” she replied.

As Hailey stared in astonishment and shock Chase picked up her bags and put them on the scale, the weight even being a struggle for him.

“What exactly did you pack?” He laughed

She smiled “Just the essentials”

“I can see that”

“Are the two of you travelling together?” The man from behind the desk said after waiting patiently as the two teenagers talked.

Chase and Hailey both looked up at the man and at the same time answered “No.”

At this they both looked back at each other and then Hailey said “Well, Kind of”

“It’s complicated” Chase added.

There was silence for a moment until the man behind the counter spoke, obviously getting annoyed.

“May I see you’re passport please sir?”

Chase gave the man his passport and Chase’s bag was loaded onto the conveyor belt.

 “Here are your tickets, you’re gate is D12 and you’re boarding at 12am.

 “Thanks” Chase and Hailey said in unison without realizing.

 The two of them moved away from the counter towards Ger and Claire.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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