Chapter 3: Bad ending...

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The man walks back into the factory. Julie uses the intercom to inform Walden of this. He is sitting on his chair while he is fucking with a pencil. "Let him in." He says into the intercom. He lays his head down on the desk. The sound of footsteps slowly come up to the door. Walden lifts his head up as the businessman sits back into the chair infront of Walden's desk. "So have you finally made your choice." Walden grits his teeth a bit. "I accept your offer." Walden says to the man. His smile grows as Walden says that. "Perfect! Here is the amount we agreed on, one billion." He says while setting a very heavy briefcase down onto Walden's desk, shaking it a bit due to the new added weight to it. "You can get it yourself." Walden stands up and turns it around to face him. He opens it as his eyes go wide. He grabs a few bills and holds it up to the light. It's real. He looks back at the man. "Give me a moment to get my assistant here." Walden looks at the man before sitting down. He presses the intercom, "Julie, can you send Neighbor to my office?" There is a click sound. "Got it boss." Her cold voice comes from the intercom.

-{A few minutes later}-

Neighbor walks into Walden's office. They look at him and the man infront of him. Her eyes look at the heavy briefcase before they lock onto Walden. "You called for me boss?" Walden points at the second chair infront of his desk. They sit down as they have a nervous/calm look on their face. Walden lets out a sigh. "I have been offered a......very consider sum of money by this man." He points at the man next to Neighbor. "To buy out your contract and have you work for his company." Neighbor's face grows dark. "Ah alright boss." They stands up as the other man does so. Walden looks at them but they aren't facing him. They follow the man. As they exist the factory, they look at it one last time. "Goodbye Rainbow Factory....." They say as they get into the fancy car the man brought in.

The factory runs.....fine. It's a bit slower as Neighbor was super helpful with every task. Walden has tried to get the assistant position filled, but everyone who tries to get the job sucks at it. Walden misses Neighbor a bit but he just buries himself in his work. He shouldn't regret it. He was finally able to open a second factory. He feels very proud of himself. He can even take some time off from his work. Walden takes a walk around town for once in like it feels like forever. He sees Neighbor as they are carrying a cup of coffee in their hands before they hop into a fancy car and drive away. He wonders what their job is but he shrugs it off. However slowly the guilt is eating him alive. Any time he sees Neighbor, they always look so sad/dead on the inside. He tries to talk to them but he can never catch up to them as they quickly rush into 'their' car when they notice him.

Sadly Neighbor is just being overworked and exploited at their new company. They cry themselves to sleep each and every night. They want to still be there at the Rainbow Factory. They were important there, they felt needed, they felt wanted. But now they are just a person who runs around town doing people's tasks. They are nothing more than someone who just does other people's work when they are given it. They can't even say 'no' without being threatened to be fired. They want to blame Walden but they know he was just thinking about what's the best for himself and the factory. Oh foolish were they to think he truly cares for them, all he cared for was how they did their work and job well.

Guilt was eating Walden up from the inside while Neighbor was dealing with so much stress on their plate. How that one choice fucked them both over. Walden stay awake some nights thinking about what he did. How he regrets his mistake so much....If he only hadn't taken that offer. If they could only rewind time, b̵͚͂ū̸̡ṱ̴̈ ̶̘̀s̵͔͑a̵̛͕d̶̮̈́l̴̠͂ŷ̸̞ ̷̳́l̶͠ͅi̷̺͆f̸̭̐e̸̘͂ ̷̹̀i̷̭̊s̶̨͆ṇ̴͌'̸̱͒t̶̬͑ ̶͕̈f̵̥̚a̴͇̒i̷̦̇r̶̝̈́.

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