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A day like no other was all I could describe it as. Bike trails and beautiful views were soon washed out by anxiety and dread.

Calling from the woods was a being I'm not even sure I understood. Digging its claws into the bark of trees, it cowards behind every corner- watching my every move.

Every time, like clockwork, It'd follow me among the trails and through the pines. For the longest time I thought it was just me imagining a presence, but in reality I was far too right.

Grasping the concept of something tracking you, watching you, becomes so surreal when you're the prey. How could I escape something that knows my next move? It was like I was being hounded...

Judging every rock that lay unscathed, critiquing the way the wind sounds behind me. Knowing if I slowed down for just a second, I'd be a goner. Limiting the space between us started to become a pipe dream.

Mountain Lions do tend to be quite stubborn - Never taking defeat as an option.Only God knows what will happen when I get too tired to walk backwards as my feet are beginning to stumble over the slightest abrasions in the Earth.Personally, If I knew this would have been my last day I would've went about it much differently.

Quickly overlooking the negatives in life to finally see the beauty in it...
Reaching for an apple instead of a donut, maybe...
Simply kissing my wife one more time before I had left...
Taking my son to the zoo instead of picking up a client at work...
Unlike other men before me, I'll admit I have not been the best partner or father. Vacating that image now was far too gone.

What's gonna happen once I reach the mountain's edge?

Xerotic skin is all that will be found on my bones after this. You only start to question things when it's too late...

Zig-Zagging behind me was my executioner and It looks like my date with death had arrived.

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