Chapter 3: Scared to ask for help

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Note: I have Started School once again. So I'll be uploading either on Saturdays or Sundays depending on my workload for the week. But i will try my best to update on one of those days as soon as I can. Please enjoy this chapter and be prepared for the next few chapters coming soon. Thanks for the support from everyone reading this story.

Sasha POV: Me and this girl are walking to gym class together. I am thankful she saved me from being attacked again by those girls, however my dad will know because he's always checking me and has a pretty good sense of smell. As we were walking to the gymnasium, I had seen a lot of wolves and also seen how big the gymnasium was. There was a Swimming pool, climbing ropes, gymnastics station, basketball court, and a whole track indoors "This is amazing." I said while walking to the classroom "Oh you're going to like this class. We can do almost anything we want. But of course, we have 2 weeks for each activity for this semester. Then in the spring semester we can choose what we want to do." Bayley said as we walked into a classroom that said, "Female Students Only" and I took my seat in the middle of the classroom and so did Bayley as she sat next to me. I decided to grab a notebook from my backpack and pencil so I can take notes and just in case we need to get stuff. "Hey Bay-" I heard someone say so I looked up only to see a girl whose eyes were flashing yellow, and I saw her teeth turning into the K9 ones, so I just started packing up my stuff so I can move away because I don't want to cause trouble. I had just zipped my backpack when I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to flinch in pain because again, I am covered in bruises from my neck down due to the beatings my Stepmom would give me "Sasha. It's okay. My friend here isn't used to having Vampires sitting with us." Bayley said. "No, it's fine. I don't want to cause any trouble." I said as I got up and walked away to sit somewhere else. I found a desk in the back of the room and sat down but it was a bad idea because the air conditioner was on full blast, but just as I wanted to get up and move back to where I was Amber and Eva had sat on the two seats right next to Bayley and her friend, so I just decided to sit here as i was scared of them. 

"Good afternoon class. Welcome to GYM class. My name is Ms. Zoey, but you can just call me Ms. If you wish."  she said to the whole class. "So for this class we will be going into certain activities for the fall semester so that way you guys can get used to the whole gymnasium and I'll go ahead and so you guys what rooms are forbidden to go into as well because of incidents that have happened in the past, so once I get done showing you guys that stuff you will have some free time and be released for the day. So, without further ado let's get started." She said as everyone got up from their seats, I left my backpack where it was as I had seen everyone else had and begun following the group out of the classroom so I can take a tour of this really huge gymnasium. I was walking behind these girls when we had stopped suddenly which caused me to bump into them "Sorry." I said as i slowly backed away from them when I noticed it was Bayley and her other friend, so I breathed a sigh of relief "You okay?" Bayley asked me as she touched my shoulder which caused me to flinch again, but this time Bayley took notice of that. "Are you comfortable with being touched Sasha?" Bayley asked me. "Um Yeah. It's just-" "Ladies come on." We heard Ms. Zoey say as we then walked to the room where the Swimming Pool is. I didn't want to go anywhere near the pool as I really can't swim and i have PTSD as I almost drowned when I was a kid, so I stayed away as we were walking around the room where I had seen a room with floaties, a smaller pool in a separate room I guess for beginners, and a relaxing room too. "Alright Guys lets go to our next room." Ms. Zoey said as we walked to our next room.  We all had walked through the Basketball court, gymnastics station, and the last room was a whole indoor track which I really liked because I love to run. "Now Guys I will show you a room where it's forbidden to enter whatsoever." Ms. Zoey said as me and Bayley followed behind the class as she just wanted to make sure that Eva and Amber don't attack me which I really didn't mind at all. 

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