Chapter 9: Rest and Recovery

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Author's note: I am very sorry for a really long update. I had hit writers block for the last couple of days, but now I know where this story is going.

Sasha POV: I had woken up to see Bayley carrying me into the doors of the hospital and she was running behind a woman. "Hold On Sasha. Please stay alive..." I heard Bayley say to me while I was going in and out. I got one last look at Bayley and a woman standing right next to her holding her back as I was wheeled away into an emergency room. I can hear people talking and asking me questions, but I didn't have any strength to talk when I felt a breathing mask go on my face and I smelt the gas that used to put people to sleep. And within a couple seconds I was out and dreaming.

Bayley POV: "Let's sit down Bayley. I'll get you a towel so you can clean your hands." My mom said to me while gently leading me to a chair. I was still in shock that I basically had to relieve a horrible memory that I didn't want to relieve again. I was looking at my hands that were covered in Sasha's Blood gave me flashbacks of my little sister "Bay-ley. PLEASE!"  *BANG* *BANG* "Bayley!" I was brought back into reality by my mom who had handed me a towel. "Are you okay sweetie?" "Yes. I was just having flashbacks. That's all mom." I said to her. She just half smiled and sat next to me just waiting for the police to come by to question us and get our information as well as what happened. After about 3 in a half hours after answering police and just waiting for Sasha to get out of the operating room a doctor came out and said, "For Sasha Banks?" We both walked up to the doctor as we all began walking down the hallway to the recovery rooms/ ICU. I had taken notice that his scrubs were somewhat covered in blood. "So, she had lost about 2 liters of blood but due to your daughter pushing down on her wounds she managed to save her life. We stopped at room, and the doctor opened the door and I saw Sasha lying on the bed fast asleep, but she had a lot of stitches and Staples. "How long will she be out for? School wise?" My mother asked the doctor. "She'll be out of school until she is ready to get all the staples and stitches out. Along with some help from you guys making her feel safe because she was scared to where she was about to fight some of my staff. But We could tell she had come from an abusive family based on her bruised body after the operation. Some fresh and some old ones but they'll disappear after a couple of weeks." The doctor said to us. I just decided not to hear any more of what the doctor was talking about, so I asked "Mom. May I..." I asked as I slowly turned my head to Sasha's bed signaling that I wanted to be with her. "Go ahead. But try not to wake her okay. She's going to need all the rest she can get." "Sure mom. Oh, wait I need to get something from the car." 

As I was walking to the car, I heard my mom ask me where I was going. "I just have a feeling she's going to need something to keep her company." I told my mom before walking to the car. I got to the car and unlocked the backseat since that's where I left Sasha's stuffed bunny, which was light brown and had a pink nose, but it was really dirty like it had been through the ringer type dirty, but I could tell this bunny kept Sasha very calm and it smelled like peaches. But as I picked it up, I could tell it was a weighted stuffed animal because it was a little bit heavy. I picked it up and put it in my bag when a flashed to reveal a bracelet that I guess had fallen from the bunny's arm that she had which said "Ruby" on it, but I really liked the colors on the beads which was the R and U are Purple and the last two letters B and Y are a ruby red. I was looking at the bracelet when I felt a rain drop on my head, so I grabbed the stuffed bunny and bracelet and began walking back into the hospital before it started raining harder. I walked into Sasha's room where I had seen her crying, but I don't know if she was in pain or scared or even due to seeing her tensed up really bad. I looked over to where my mom was as she was sitting down away from her "Uh mom. What's going on?" I asked as I whispered quietly as I walked over to her. "Sasha woke up screaming. So the doctor gave her some morphine to help her relax. But she was screaming for you Bayley. So I went ahead and kept my distance from her because one of the officers told me that her Stepmother would abuse her along with her father. And I know how it can be triggering for people to see a woman if they've been abused by their mother for a while, so i decided to keep my distance. Now go and see your friend while I call the girls to see how they're doing." "Okay mom" I said as she went outside the room to make the call. "Sasha. It's me Bayley. Can you open your eyes so you see? Please?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of her bed. 

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