Chapter 15: Is Harder than you think

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Author Note: I've been dealing with a lot of stress with my last class in order to graduate. So, it may be a while before I Update but I may update again in a couple of weeks. Thanks for your support.

Sasha POV: I had walked around the car to meet with Bayley and the girls who were waiting for me. I had walked up right next to Bayley who said, "I already grabbed the boxes and bags so it can just be in and out or as what my mom says, "One and Done". And don't worry about overloading the car either okay. We'll all make sure to check that nothing gets left in here that is yours okay." She said while putting a hand on my shoulder. If i am being honest I really didn't hear a word she was saying because all i could see was my so-called "family" staring at me with their eyes searing through me. And I am Terrified to say the least. I had seen my father stand up and start walking toward me as we were approaching the front door of my old house. "You Better Not Touch anything that's your sis-" "SHE ISN'T MY SISTER DAD! AND I"M TAKING EVERYTHING FROM MY ROOM. Wither you like it or not." I finished saying before walking quickly inside the house, so I won't have to see his rage. I had walked into the house trying not to let my emotions get to me, and I was shocked and disgusted by how bad it gotten. The living room was just filled with garbage and containers that had rotten food in them as well as beer bottles and cans on the floor and the couches. I started walking around trying to be careful not to fall over the trash as I was looking at photos that contained me and my mother which there was. I carefully got them of the wall and stared at them I was taken aback. This was the first time since my father shot me and I started crying silently, but I can't be crying right now as I had a lot of stuff to take from this house. I finished grabbing all the photos that contained me and my mother putting them in the boxes and sealing them with tape that Bayley brought. "Hey. We got some kitchen stuff and some snow globes that had your name on it." Becky said while slowly putting the box down by the door. "Thank you. It really means a lot that you guys are here." I said to all of them. "You're welcome. Now let's finish here so we can go home." Charolette said as she followed Becky to the back of the house.

"Hey Sasha. You want to go into your room now?" Bayley asked me as we we're finished getting all the kitchen stuff that is mine. I had just stayed silent as I hadn't gone into "My" room in almost 6 months since the punishment by my father along with being shot as well. I had hesitated but I slowly started walking down the hallway that was again filled with beer bottles and trash that smelled so bad I was going to puke if we didn't get to my room in time. But before I knew it I made it to the door of MY room which was shut closed and to my surprise locked "Darn it" I said as I twisted the knob a couple of times "Is it locked?" Bayley asked me. "Yeah, I guess they probably didn't me to go in there. Even though it is MY Room." I spoke. "Here let me try." I had moved out of the way and had seen her in the werewolf form where she had used one of her nails to unlock the door which surprisingly only took her about 5 seconds "We're in." She said as she stood next to me as I put my hand on the knob which I slowly began to open my door but I kind of froze as I am scared to see it. "It's okay." Bayley said. After a couple of seconds, I had courage to open my room, and I was taken away by how much it had changed. The photos that I had put on my wall of me and my mother were taken down, my Pokémon posters, my drawings that I had up above my bed were ripped apart and thrown into the trash can next to my drawers. And my Snow globe was smashed as there was pieces of glass everywhere, but my bedding was still the same which made me a little bit happy, but in a reality, I just wanted the Pearl that hopefully SHE hasn't found nor my father. "Sasha. Do you want me to wait here. Or do you want me to help you?" I had turned around to see Bayley Standing outside of my room which I had forgotten that wolves can't enter a Vampire room without permission "Bayley. I give you permission to enter my territory." And with that she stepped in along with a couple of empty boxes "what would you like for me to take?" "For sure my bedding and pillowcases, the paper drawings, and whatever else I can find in here." "You got it." 

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