Chapter 13: First Day Jitters

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Sasha POV: We are walking to school. This is the first time that I've seen the school since my father shot me a few months ago so I guess you could say I've been having really bad anxiety and overall, just a lot of nervousness as far as school goes. Bayley has been telling me that everything will be okay and will be accepted, but I just don't know. We had stopped at this bridge about halfway to the school "Um Bayley. What are we doing here?" I asked to which Bayley said "We're going to be waiting for Bree, Violet, and Tara. Then we'll all go to school together." "Oh Okay." "You'll be fine Sasha." We waited for a couple minutes when I heard Bayley's phone go off "Hmm Okay. Come on Sasha. Let's go to school. My friends aren't coming to the bridge today, but they'll meet us at lunch." "Oh. Okay." I said as we began walking over the bridge. "Sasha. I forgot to tell you since you've been attacked by vampires. You'll be with me for every class and all teachers know about it." She said as we both entered the school on the wolf side of course. I started getting looks almost immediately some people with their eyes glowing and snarling, "Come on let's go to class. We're kind of almost late." I followed Bayley to her classroom "Hello Mr. This is my friend Sasha." Bayley Introduced me as she moved so the teacher could see me. "H-Hello." I said as kind of waved at him. "Good to meet you, Sasha. Please make yourself feel welcome and sit wherever you want." He spoke. "May I sit with Bayley?" I asked politely. "Sure Sasha. Go ahead." "Come on" I sat at a desk near Bayley towards the back. The class was pretty chill and I myself really didn't need to do anything since I was a little ahead in this class, but the teacher just wants me to read a couple of horror books just for fun since it was Halloween, but we do have some papers to write as horror stories. The bell rang for the next class which was Bayley's Geometry Class "How come you take Geometry? I thought you we're supposed to take it last year?" I asked Bayley as we stepped into the classroom. "I did take it and Passed it, but I was offered a free period in exchange for a easy class grade for a missing Math credit so I took it. I like this class anyway." She finished saying we both took our seats. 

Her last two classes were alright and I'm only failing physics because I get very confused with the formulas and stuff. But now it's lunchtime which will be my true test to see if people will be accepting of my species on their side. As we both walked into the cafeteria on the wolf's side, I immediately felt a little uneasy as I kept getting looks from a lot of people. I just kept walking with Bayley to the lunch line and she said, "So what do you want to eat?" She asked me. "I-I'm fine with whatever Bayley" I said as I was slowly rubbing my arms trying to calm down as I could feel an anxiety attack coming pretty soon. "Come on. Get in front of me. It's alright" Bayley whispered in my ear as she slightly pushed me in front her as if she could tell I was uncomfortable. I grabbed my tray of food and punched in my number and was about to walk out when the lady said, "Sorry Ma'am I'm going to need some money for you to get food today." "Um I don't have-" "I got her ma'am" Bayley said as she handed her the $50 bill. "Add that to her account. It should cover until December." Bayley said. I was allowed to leave the line and then Bayley punched in her number and walked with me.  

"Come on Sasha. Let's go sit down where my friends are." Bayley said to me. We both walked to the table where 3 girls were sitting down and I kind of stopped in my tracks as my gut was telling me that they're dangerous "Sasha. It's okay." Bayley said as she sat down with them. I didn't want to sit with them but since Bayley was there, I felt safe enough to sit with them and began eating my food in silence. "So... How long is She going to be with us?" One of the girls said. "Violet. She's going to be with us until the end of the school year. And it's not "She" her name is Sasha, so Please be a little nice she's been through a lot." Bayley said kind of sternly. "Wait aren't you that girl in the video that's been going around on Instagram?" My heart kind of stopped when the girl said that. "W-What are you talking about?" I said as I had seen a girl with red hair showing her phone to me and I had seen a video of ME getting pleated by food that happened a month ago. I started having really bad chest pain and my breathing was getting shallow to where I basically threw the phone on the table with a loud smack, and I put my hands on my chest.

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