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he isn't used to all this attention and he loves it

All the compliments make him blush

He feels bad for asking, but he wants your touch all the time

He's so surprised when you wanna spend time with him

He thinks he's worthless but you help him realize he's amazing

You love to tease him and show him off to boost his self esteem

He wants a lot of sex

You get him gifts all the time

In fact you put all the love languages into overdrive for him

Creative compliments all the time

Doing things for him

You spend time with him and love it

And of course you're always touching his skin

He's never been this happy in his whole life

He's your new favorite person and you tell him all the time

You both feel super lucky that you found one another

You love vacationing with him in France in the summer, it's always so romantic and that's eventually where he proposes

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