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What a shame, if you were mine you would not get the same.

What a shame, if you were mine you would not get the same

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Lorelei and Isaac met outside at a small restaurant. Isaac and Lorelei have talked before, but with other people. It's never been just them. So This was going to be awkward.

"Hey Lorelei." Isaac says walking over to Lorelei.

"Hi Isaac." Lorelei said with a smile.

Isaac and Lorelei walk inside the restaurant. They get sat at a small table for the two of them. They ordered food and then sat and talked while they waited.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about this right now but have you talked to nelson at all?" Isaac questioned.

"No, I haven't. And I really don't want to." Lorelei said dropping her hands from her face to her lap.

"I know that was really fucking crazy if him to do to you." Isaac added.

"I just doesn't make since. He was all over me one day, and then the next I don't even fucking exist to him." Lorelei says putting her hands on the table.

"Look I know you don't want to hear this but he hurting just as much as you are." Isaac says laying his hands on top of Lorelei's.

Lorelei blushed a little bit.

"I know he hurting to. That's what hurts me even more Isaac. But before I go back to him I need you to find out why he did it." Lorelei said making eye contact with Isaac.

Their food eventually came. While they ate they talked about basketball, people cam recruited for his teams, and other random things.

When they finished eating Isaac considered paying. They walked outside of the restaurant and sat in the bench outside of the restaurant.

"Thanks a lot Isaac." Lorelei said thanking Isaac for the 4th time the whole night.

"No problem." Isaac said pulling Lorelei in for a hug.

Lorelei hesitated for a second but gave in. It's truly what she needed at the moment. The two said there goodbyes and went there separate ways.

When Lorelei got home she had saw the Isaac, Eli, Frankie, and Nelson were on live. Lorelei didn't join their lives for the past couple of days. But after Isaac had told her about how Nelson was feeling she wanted to see how he was truly doing.

"So Isaac a little bird told me that you took Lorelei out to lunch today. How was that?" Eli asked Isaac.

Nelson, Frankie, and Isaac went completely silent.

Frankie jaw dropped.

Nelson went completely silent.

And Isaac was freaking out.

"You what now Isaac?" Nelson asked.

"Look nelson I just wanted to she how she was doing. It was nothing like that." Isaac said moving his face out of frame.

Nelson left the live

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