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Even if my heart stops beating
You're the only thing I need
Ooh with me

Because cam was in Arizona Nelson would be taking Lorelei to Pennsylvania

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Because cam was in Arizona Nelson would be taking Lorelei to Pennsylvania. Lorelei spent the night at Nelson's house so they didn't have to pick her up in the morning.

Lorelei and Nelson woke up to Cassie waking the two up to tell them they had to leave in 30. Lorelei wore a hoodie and sweatpants with her hair in a low braid. Nelson wore a hoodie and pants.

Lorelei grabbed her suitcase and brought by the front door best to Nelson's. It was currently 6 in the morning and the two were very tired.

While Nelson put the suitcases in the car Lorelei grabbed to packs of mini muffins for the car.

When Nelson and Lorelei arrived at the airport cam and the rest of the team was waiting outside.

"Took you guys long enough." Cam says.

"At least we're here! Lavar hasn't even left yet." Lorelei told cam.

"True." Donavan says.

The group walks in the airport and goes through security and all that then goes and sit by their gate. (I've never gone on a plane so this might be bad.)

Lorelei lays her head on Nelson's shoulder. Then she remembered she had to tell Nelson something.

"Oh Nelson guess what." Lorelei says lifting her head of Nelsons shoulder.

"What."Nelson's mumbled.

"My brother and my dad live over here so my brother is coming to watch. And see cam." Lorelei says a bit louder so cam could hear.

"Really Nolan's coming." Cams saying entering the conversation.

"Yeah I guess they moved here last year. Something was bad in the Kansas house or something." Lorelei told cam.

"Oh. I haven't seen him since he was like 12." Cam says before turning away from her.

45 minutes later the group boards their flight. Lorelei sat next Nelson. Lorelei and Nelson switched spots so Lorelei could have the window seat. Ever since Lorelei was little when her family would go on trips she would always want the window seat. Lucky for her Nelson was always nice enough to switch with her.

Lorelei ended up falling asleep on Nelson's shoulder.

Once the flight landed Nelson woke up Lorelei and they got off the plane and went to baggage claim.

Whi we waited for our stuff the boys made TikTok's. We all got our stuff and made our way out of the airport.

We drove to our hotel and walked and at in the lobby while cam checked us in. The boys were still making TikTok's. Lorelei was super tired and all she wanted to do was go back to sleep.

Once cam was done checking in the everyone went to their rooms. Cam has let everyone pick their rooms. In Lorelei's room it was her, Nelson, Donavan, and Isaiah.

Once Lorelei walked in the room she walked over to one of the beds. Lorelei put her suitcase by the beds then laid down. Lorelei fell asleep after 5 minutes.

Lorelei woke up to Nelson and Isaiah streaming on twitch.

"What the fuck are you guys doing." Lorelei asked .

"Oh sorry for waking you up." Nelson says turning around.

"Simp. Nelson's a simp." Isaiah jokes hitting Nelson on the back of the head.

"Shut up." Nelson says turning back to the game.

Lorelei stays in bed playing on her phone and texting Molly about what is going on with Sydney.

Nelson eventually came in bed with Lorelei and everyone else left and woke to bed.

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