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Hi guys, miru here, I think I'll start making more stories since I've taking an interesting to writting, this will be a small author debut but I promise something big is coming >:)

Inspired on a dream of mine I wished I had once more (totally not insane).




The screams of the damned resonated trough the seemingly infinite valley of stone figures, they pleaded for an unhearing God to listen, to grant them forgiveness for what they committed, as always, their prayers fell into deaf ears, this response only tormented them more.

I was one of those praying voices, but, it had been so long that I even forgot why was I put here in the first place, yet I still prayed, prayed for a sin I couldn't remember.

The demons laughed, taunting me and pouring more stone over my encased carcass, ensuring I wouldn't escape, I always asked why, why must we suffer eternally for a single action, they never answered, they only poured stone and laughed at me, I hated it, I couldn't move or rest, the always hot stone prevented me from doing so, it was truly hell.

《The angel arrives.》

My name is ramiel, I am an angel, an archangel to be precise, I was tasked to inspect the layers of hell to ensure the sinners and demons were acting accordingly.

I have always avoided this task, I usually left it to the other angels to do it, I knew going down there was no good, one bad step and I would become like them, corrupt, a plague to existance, unworthy of the fathers mercy, However today I had no choice but to go, I was ordered by the father himself to go in this mission, and his word is absolute.

<1st layer, limbo.>

Limbo was calm as always, as soon as I entered all the people inside rushed to greet me, I waved back, these weren't truly sinners, but they hadn't believed in the lords existance so they couldn't enter heaven...I felt pity, and a bit of compassion, but I couldn't stop to appease their uneasiness.

I kept walking until I reached a gate, it was atleast double my size and stood out completely different of the nicely decorated walls of limbo.

"Lady ramiel, are you really going...there?.'

I turned around to see a small angel looking at me, a virtue, I simply patted his shoulder and prepared to enter.

"All of you, stand back, you don't want to get pulled in there."

Inmeadietly all of the people rushed to move away as the gate slowly opened, a dark aura emmited from it, I reassured myself and walked towards the gate, I was slowly engulfed by the darkness until I appeared on the other side.

<2nd layer, lust.>

As soon as I arrived at the other side I opened my wings to take flight Into the skies, the strong winds of lust made it too dangerous to walk on the bridges, I dived down to reach the court of the king, the gate was inside his castle.

As I approached  the entrance I was met with  a huge wall surrounding the area, almost as if it was meant to keep something outside, I found this weird and headed inside.

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