3.- Sealed fate.

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Hi guys,miru here, I wanted to thank you all for reading my badly written stories, it really means a lot!.

I hope I can improve to bring you better stories sometime!.

Well that's all for now, back to the story.



<Biological prision.>

1 year...2 years...100 years...how long has it been?, I don't know, I can't know, all I am allowed is pain, I foolishly entered this forest thinking I was finally saved, it's kind of funny how I forgot I was in hell, I was never going to be saved, now I'm stuck in this fucking tree that feeds of my despair.


Here it comes, it's hungry again, I don't know if I'll make it this time.


The faces appeared once more and bit down on every piece of my being, I felt my energy draining once more, and I felt even more lightheaded, I couldn't even feel my limbs anymore, they were probably ripped off.

I had lost all hope, there was no miracle situation this time, this was it...

<Deadmans ferry.>

I finally got to the other side of the gate, I stood in the middle of a swamp, countless screams and sounds were heard around me, I took flight as to avoid those forced to fight for eternity.

I eventually reached river Stix, I saw a floating light in the river slowly moving towards me.

"*Bell sound*."

A small boat sailed slowly trough the river, carefully avoiding the hands that seeked to sink it, atop of it stood a tall man, he wore a long white cloth that covered his face, and he was very thin, I siganlled him and he came my way.

"*Bell sound*."

The ferryman, responsible of delivering sinners to their respective layers, I would bother him only this time, I needed to inspect him as well.


"Give me a tour of the place."



"This will cost extra..."


He seemed a bit uneasy of me asking him to drive me around, it was understandable, I had arrived here without notice and demanded a tour of the place, I felt a bit bad for demanding him like that but there was no time for worries.

"*wood creaking*."

"So...what brings a servant of God down here?..."

"I'm here to see how things are going."



"Call me ramiel."

"Miss ramiel...you are a servant of god right?, an angel, a pure being, right?."


"So you do not condone for murderous acts, right?..."

(Whaat?.) <--<this if for toughts>

"Of course I dont, why is are you asking this?."

"I...there's something you need to know, not just you, everyone that can exit this Dimensional prision."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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