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Hi ! My name is Phuwin Viroyanon

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Hi ! My name is Phuwin Viroyanon . I am 19 years old . I am a simple boy who loves his village , family and mostly his father . I can't live without my dad .

 I can't live without my dad

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Mr . Phupha Viroyanon aka the chief of our village name Cheng mai . He made great progress in this little village by his hard work within 20 years . The whole village listen to him so do I . Tbh my dad listen to me more. He gives me whatever I want . Never said no to me nor my mom .

Tian Viroyanon , my mom

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Tian Viroyanon , my mom . The most beautiful and sweet human being I ever met . He is the teacher of our village . From childhood my mom taught me every way to respect & help others also how to cook . My mom's cooking is the world's best , me & my dad love to eat whatever mom makes for us .

Everything was super good , our little family was happily living in that little village until I finish my school . It's time for university ......

Phuwin : Dad , why did you love me this much when you were ready to send me away ? I don't want to go to Bangkok , I want to live with you & mom .

I said with so much emotion cuz dad wants to send me Bangkok for higher education . But I can't live without him .

Phupha : Phuwin , dear , you know I am the chief of this village . If I don't send my son to Bangkok for higher education the villagers will do same . They won't send their children for higher education . Then our village will always be far from modernity.

My dad was trying to make me understand the math but me was being me . Arrogant , exactly like my dad .

Phuwin : Then you & mom need to go with me .

It was my new demand .

Tian : Phuwin , how can that possible . The villagers needs us . We can't go with you .

Mom told me while rubbing my back gently trying to make me understand . But I was far to listen to anyone .

Phuwin : Then I won't go , final .

Phupha : PHUWIN ! Everytime me & your mom listened to you . We let you do whatever you wanted . Now when we told you to do something you're like this . Ok do whatever you want .

This time dad talked to me with a risen voice . And looked so frustrated . So I decided to not hurt him .

Phuwin : Ok , mom - dad . If this makes you happy I will go .

I said with a lower voice a drop of water fall from my eyes . The village , my mom - dad , where I grew up from very little to now , I need to leave those . My heart was aching but my dad instantly hug me and said -

Phupha : oh my dear son , I am so happy that you agreed . I knew it , my son wouldn't disobey me . I've already chosen the best university for you .

It was so clear that he was so happy . Then mom came to me put his arm around my waist and her head on my shoulder then emotionally said -

Tian : I don't know how I will live without you , Phuwin . But you don't need to worry about anything , I've arranged everything . You will live in your cousin's house . I've already talked to them . You can leave tomorrow morning . I love you son .

I was between my mom & dad still my heart was aching by the thought of leaving them . But I just tightened the hug and stayed like that for sometime .




Next morning all the villagers along with mom - dad bid me good bye . I then went inside the car and finally left them .

After a long journey I reached to Bangkok . The car stopped Infront of my Auntie's house . My aunty & her son were standing right there to receive me .

Phuwin : Swadikhab ( hello ) , aunty .

Aunty : waddi , ja . You've got so bigger in this few years . And you look so handsome . Come inside dear . How's mom-dad ?

??? : Mae (mom) , at least let him come inside first .

As I greeted my aunty she started to compliment me & asked me about mom - dad . But my cousin who was behind her told her to let me in first with annoying tone cuz his mother was talking non stop . I just smile a little cuz it was funny . And then decided to say hello to my brother too .

Phuwin : Swadikhab (hello) , Phi'Dunk (phi means big brother or sister).

Phi'Dunk is my only cousin

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Phi'Dunk is my only cousin . His mom is my Mom's cousin . We actually met only 3 to 4 times . But Dunk was someone with whom I really can share everything . From childhood I love his company . He is so sweet , caring and cute . People says we look kinda alike without our smile .

P'Dunk reads in the same university where I am going from tomorrow as fresher . I am so happy that we can go together in our university .

Dunk : Swadikhrup ( hello with double manner ) , nong'Phuwin (nong mean younger brother or sister) .

P'Dunk said as he bow a little showing me respect then hug me tightly , actually he was teasing me cuz we met after so long . After that both of us laugh , I hug him back and went inside . While going to upstairs P'Dunk again said something -

Dunk : Ai'Phuwin (with no respect) , when did you become this handsome ?

He compliment me with a slap in my arm .

Phuwin : You've got cuter , P'Dunk .

I complimented him back and went to our room while laughing .

I complimented him back and went to our room while laughing

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