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Phuwin : Don't you feel ashamed !? After what you've done last night ?

Phuwin said in anger to Pond who wasn't even listening to Phuwin and showed an 'i don't care' face .

After finishing their classes all of the friends sat on the ground of the park beside their university . Including Dunk , Phuwin , Fourth , Pond & Nita . They were sitting while making a circle so that everyone could face everyone . As Pond showed up Phuwin decided to scold him so that In future Pond doesn't do that .

Phuwin : Dunk , why aren't you saying something to him , huh ? Oh , almost forgot you always saves his back . Whatever , Pond , for you aunty scolded Dunk too much .

Phuwin said as he looked super angry . Dunk just shrugs his shoulders . Other people were listening to Phuwin . But Pond was just minding his business and finally said something .

Pond : Haha , Dunk , what will Dunk say . He has a great habit of getting scolded by his mom for this .

Dunk : Pond will you just shut up ?

*ring ring* Dunk was cut by Pond's phone's ringtone . Pond instantly picked his phone -

Pond on call -

Pond : Oh , teerak (darling) , yes , yes , I am fine . Baby , how are you ? Oh really ?! I miss you too . Will meet tomorrow , I need to go I am on a important meeting rn . Bye bye , jub jub (kiss kiss)

With all those cheesy line Pond finally cut his phone . Only to find Phuwin was looking at him in anger .

Phuwin : Look , look , look at him . Does my lectures have any effect on him ? I am saying something important and he doesn't even try to change .

Phuwin said in disappointment to Dunk .

Nita : What Pond , why are you doing this ? Can't you get a little serious ?

Nita suggested , with Fourth nod on her comment .

Pond :  what's my fault ? I didn't drink by myself . Satang told me to drink with him and call Dunk too . 

Pond said with a baby face and expression . Phuwin got more angry .

Phuwin : And you're a baby , you need to do whatever Satang will tell you ? Don't you have sense ? Let Satang come today , We need to beat him .

Phuwin said making his punch hit on his hand .

Winny : You ne more need to do that . I already beat him alot for last night . Stupid , now say sorry to your friends .

Winny showed up with a sad Satang , clearly showing that Satang already got so much punishment . And the last line Winny said looking at Satang with an angey glare .

Satang : I am sorry , friends . Specially , Dunk .

He said with a fearful voice and then looked at Winny who was intensely looking at him with sharp eyes & crossing arms . Which made Satang a little flinch as he said more with a Trimble voice -

Stang : And , and I promise , I won't do anything like this anymore . I won't even hangout with Pond from now on . I swear-

Everyone's jaw dropped as they were looking at Satang and Winny with big eyes and open mouth still couldn't process what just happened . Then the next moment everyone burst out laughing -

Everyone except Satang : Hahaha -

Satang : Wait why are you guys laughing like that .

Satang asked with a confused face .

Dunk : My friend , if I knew , you would be this much change by Winny then I've found him long ago .

Dunk said while laughing .

Fourth : It's true . P'Winny really has magic . Haha , cute .

Fourth was jumping as he really in love with this couple .

Nita : As a true fean (bf/gf) can change a person for goods . Pond you also should stop with your all fake dating and find a fean (bf/gf) for yourself  .

Nita suggested to Pond who was laughing but stopped as Soos as Nita spoke .

Phuwin : Yeah , Pond need a person who is good at scolding . That person will scold you and you will finally listen to that scolding .

Phuwin said still laughing .

Pond : As you're good at it , care to become my fean (bf)?

Pond said with a smirk & wink , which made Phuwin stop laughing .

Phuwin : It's true , you actually can't change . Always keep running your foul mouth .

With that Phuwin stands up and starts to leave the place with Fourth . Pond was laughing like crazy as he defeated Phuwin . Others just made a disappointed look .




After a week - Phuwin's POV

We were usually hanging out in a cafe . Fourth wasn't with us . Only me , Dunk , Satangwinny & Pond .

There was a play thing happening there . The couples need to make a plastic cup castle by using chopsticks . Whose ever tower will be big in length they will win the trophy .

As it was Satangwinny's 3 months anniversary , Winny wished to win the trophy . They were making a beautiful castle , I and Dunk were cheering for them .

But then Pond was about to sneeze which was gonna make the cup tower break . I glare at him with a look that , 'if you fucked up this time , I am going to kill you' . He then somehow stopped his sneeze and looked normal .

I took a huff breath that it ok . But on the next moment he actually sneeze and break the tower  . Everyone was shocked except me . Satang was beating him with cups , Winny looked sad , Dunk was as usual disappointed  . But I just stand up and came home . Only to write all this to my dairy to make my anger less -

"Dad often said , if this is a little bit bad in a big amount of  good , that bad turns the good into bad too . Dunk , Nita & satangwinny are good . I thought at least for them I would accept Pond with my whole heart . But he isn't like that kind of boy at all . That's why I thought , I would no more think about him . Just cut him from my life like this ."

With that I took a picture of Pond , made a cross on his face with a marker and kept it inside of my diary , where I wrote all these lines

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With that I took a picture of Pond , made a cross on his face with a marker and kept it inside of my diary , where I wrote all these lines . He really pisses me off .

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