12 - Blake & Shawn

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I come slamming out of the bathroom. Everyone's staring at me, starting to scare the shit out of me.

"Why are you all staring at me?!"

I'm shoving everyone in my path, fed up with being watched like a bloody lab rat. I spot Shelby in the distance. I light my fag and walk briskly towards her little group.

"Shelby, I've got to talk to you."

She turns around and giggles like an idiot.

"Now," I add.

"Who the hell are you?"

I swivel my head and bite my lip, letting out a smirk filled with contempt. "The guy you're fucking."

His friends struggle to contain their mocking laughter. I don't know if they're laughing at me or at their little boss. As for her, she gives me a black look. I love embarrassing her in front of all those clueless chicks she has as friends.

She waves them off.

"What did you do to Jo to make her throw our fucking relationship in front of everyone?" My voice is icy, but she doesn't seem the least bit touched.

"I didn't. I didn't say anything to your girlfriend," she says shamelessly.

I want to rip that arrogant smile off her ugly face.

"She's not my girlfriend, but I know her well enough to know that if she's pissed off like that, she's got her fucking reasons!" Suddenly, I realize I'm defending her. But it's too late to take back the words that burst out of my mouth, drowned in my damn anger.

"I just came up to her and introduced myself."

I turn around abruptly, taking a deep breath.

That's it, I get it.

"You don't normally talk to anyone. Except when you have a fucking ulterior motive," I say bitterly.

She looks away.

I've hit the nail on the head.

"No, you didn't. I just wanted to get to know her. She seemed nice," she defends herself.

"Is "she seemed nice" just a polite way of saying she'd be a perfect whipping girl?"

She bursts out laughing, as if it would make her happy. "She'd have been a real good criminal, with her slutty, wanton attitude. Or maybe she's just badly fucked."

I clench my fists.

"Trust me, I won't let her even step foot in all this shit."

"Oh, that's so sweet. Blake's got some fucking feelings. You're unrecognizable, man."

She slides her hand through my hair, but I push her away violently.

"I don't feel anything, okay? She'd just get us in trouble. She'd tell the cops."

"I'm not so sure."

She approaches me and touches my breast. "I'm sure your little bitch is jealous of us fucking."

"Let go of me."

I pull her hand away abruptly and rush inside the building. The silent corridors amplify my thoughts. I hurry down the long corridor to the parking lot, desperate to escape this oppressive place. The hot summer air rushes into my lungs.

Once outside, I freeze in place, unable to move. My gaze fixes on something that catches my eye. In the distance, near the parking fence, I make out a familiar silhouette.

Our fallen souls [EN] (High Enough) : VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now