46 - Joséphine

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After finishing my oral with immense relief, I leave the classroom. I feel in total control of the subject, and I've managed to develop my arguments for a few extra minutes. The satisfied smiles of the teachers confirmed my performance. Cassie supported me throughout the presentation with a few encouraging winks, but I was careful not to let myself get distracted. I left the university building, leaving behind the excitement of my successful oral. Night has set in, enveloping the streets in a soft glow from the streetlamps. To protect myself from the biting cold, I cross my arms against my chest, trying to keep warm. My steps quicken instinctively, as if I sense an unwelcome presence. Suddenly, a car slows down beside me, and my heart starts pounding in my chest. Alarming thoughts invade my mind, fueled by the frightening tales heard here and there. I'm getting ready to pick up the pace to put some distance between myself and this stranger who has stopped when a familiar voice echoes.

"Baby, get in."

A sigh of relief escapes me and I turn to face Blake. He's sitting behind the wheel with a slight smile, but something in his eyes betrays his unease. My worries resurface.

"Where the hell have you been? Didn't you see all the messages I sent you?" I ask him as I settle into the car.

"Yes, but I've been busy," he replies in a slightly hesitant voice.

"Busy with what? I'm sure you've been sleeping all day."

"No, actually, I've been preparing a surprise for you."

His enigmatic statement takes me by surprise, arousing my curiosity.

"A surprise? A surprise? Why should that be?"

He gives me a knowing look without revealing anything more.

"You'll see."

I lean back against the seat, watching the scenery unfold through the windows. The city lights gradually fade away, giving way to a darker, more isolated road. My mind races, desperately trying to guess our destination. The mystery surrounding this surprise only adds to my stress, but I'm determined not to let my annoyance show. Meanwhile, Blake remains silent at the wheel, keeping a small smile on his face that only adds to my intrigue. His air of restrained excitement only accentuates my impatience. I try to relax by taking a deep breath, reminding myself that the surprise is supposed to be pleasant and that he's taken time to organize it. Still, the uncertainty persists, and every kilometer away from the city reinforces my desire to know the surprise.

"By the way, where are we going?" I ask, intrigued, when I notice that we're moving away from the city.

"Somewhere," he replies evasively.

His vague answers only add to my annoyance. I like to be in control of situations, and the uncertainty of this surprise makes me nervous.

"Blake... I hate surprises, they make me think too much."

He lets out a teasing laugh.

"You usually think too much, it's going to explode now."

I give him a falsely reproving look.

"Ah-Ah-Ah, you're really funny, Blake."

He smiles, bites his lip, and his charm only adds to my annoyance. I quickly pull myself together, reminding myself not to succumb to his charm easily.

"Stop calling me Blake, it's... disturbing," he says.

"What do you want me to call you? Grumpy? Never happy?"

He laughs heartily and puts his hand on my thigh, sending shivers down my skin. I let out a sigh, feeling the tension dissipate slightly. I resume my observation of the landscape passing before us, but I feel his insistent gaze on me.

"Baby, that's good."

I turn my head and look at him, surprised by this new nickname.


"Baby is a good nickname. Or the-beautiest-in-the-world, too."

His wry smile and deepening dimples melt my heart, despite my resistance. I can't help but smile back, my tensions melting away at the sight of her happiness.

Our fallen souls [EN] (High Enough) : VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now