a/n - help

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before we get started, i want to point out that this is one big rant of me talking about my family and the stupidest shit they do that's troubling me, if you could give me some feedback to help talk to them or just some advice or something, id appreciate it. and yes, i did have permission from my friends and some family to talk about a few of the sensitive topics. 

First, some things to keep in mind, the lgbtq+ community isn't widely accepted in japan, its more like 'tolerated' instead from my understanding. there are people who do support it and stuff, take my aunt and cousins for example, but there's  not too much acceptance there. 

now, that causes multiple problems with me, my friends and my family because we all know im gayer than shit, like im in a  poly with 3 dudes and a he/they. so technically 4 dudes. and a few of my cousins are gayer than that so-

the other day, when my dad was talking to me, he said that he was surprised i was able to "get away with being gay" and dating multiple other males and he got mad at my aunt for letting it happen and he acted so against it when literally two of his kids are part of the lgbtq. also i just realized how many people in my family are actually part of it, and it really doesn't make sense why he acts so homophobic about it. literally the first time i met my (i guess) 'step siblings', one of the girls brought their girlfriend and one of the guys had both. the difference between me and them is im japanese. that's the literal fucking reason why he's a prick about me being gay. im half asian, half american. most of my asian blood comes from japan, but there's a bit from south korea too (which, come to think of it, doesn't make a whole lot of sense). but because of that, he gets mad at me for being fucking gay. bitch, if you didn't want an asian child, you shouldn't have married my mother in the first fucking place.

his wife is so accepting and all and doesn't make a big deal about my race as he does and she's so accepting of it, but he's so fucking complicated i don't even know what to say about it. 

with my family in japan, my mom had two parents like i have right now, but they're all actually alive and firstly, they blame my dad for what happened to my mom, but then turn around and take his side once the topic comes up. one side of her family is more accepting than the other, hell they even support me and my bfs which says a lot (they even gave them cute nicknames i love them so much) but my mom and aunt's biological parents are complete asses. they wouldn't even let my aunt take custody of me until this year because they suspected she was a lesbian.  not because she needed to finish uni, but because they thought she was fucking another girl when she was just helping them through a divorce. 

another problem with my family and bfs (the asshole side, not the nice side) is that if a girl and a guy get into trouble, like lets say there's a fight in the office that he started and she's wounded, she would be the one blamed for it. they have this thing where the 'higher ups' in the family or just your place in the family decides your fate. like it doesn't matter if you know someone your arguing or not, if there superior to you, you automatically get blamed for any trouble whatsoever. and it's not just that, but men are seen higher than woman. its fucking bullshit. 

and they see one of my friends, the he/them as more of a girl than a guy when they are a no-shit guy. this troubles us so fucking much because he was s/a by his cousin multiple times (yes he was arrested, im not allowed to give too many details bc its an ongoing investigation.) but he was blamed for it because he 'troubles someone superior to him'. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE FUCKING SENSE -


im so fucking pissed off at my family right now and when me and my bfs were talking about marriage in the future and we decided to wait until everyone was graduated. but no, them dipshits don't want us to marry because it's 'poison to the bloodline'. AGAIN IT DON'T MAKE FUCKING SENSE LIKE BRUH I CANT EVEN GET A CHILD OUT OF IT TF YOU MEAN ITS POISON TO THE BLOODLINE???

my family did have a gay prostitute at one point back in like the 1800s or some shit (take that with a pinch of salt bc i don't think thats the right year) and they believe that's what caused all the bad luck and miscarriages in my family. my mom, before i was born, had 7 or 8 miscarriages, but she moved to america with my dad in hope that they could either adopt or have just the luck of having another kid because they wanted multiple children. but it was her medical condition that kept her from having kids, not some stupid fucking curse thing or whatever like its so fucking dramatic i swear

but yeah, i guess to summarize, most of my family is homophobic, sexist, and ig racist? how tf do i deal with this shit im so fucking done i might jump from my rooftop-

also i wrote this in like 5 minutes and ive got to get back to work 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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