oh my god real fluff jesus

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Eventually, the two were back in Danny's apartment. Mitchell decided to stay over for the night. Danny was only in boxers in bed. Mitchell was so tired, he just slept in what he was wearing. Eventually, the two were laying down, spooning. Mitchell was obviously the little spoon. He is obviously the seme in this story. Danny spoke into the back of Mitchell's neck, " Hey are you okay?" Mitchell turned over to face Danny. "Well, yeah I guess..." Danny gave Mitchell a skeptical look. Mitchell sighed. "Let's just drop the sub-" Danny cut him off with a long winded, passionate kiss. After a few moments, Mitchell was on top of Danny, Mitchell had his arms around Danny's shirtless torso. They were embraced in an extremely time consuming kiss. How did they breath? That's for you to decide, dear reader. Danny pushed Mitchell up for a few seconds to speak. "I hope you know I'll always love you." Then they resumed their gross kiss. It was like two slabs of mute grinding against each other. Danny began to come down to Mitchell's neck. Mitchell moaned in delight. Danny kept going down to Mitchell's shoulder, Mitchell began to stifle a giggle. Luckily, he pulled away to say no. Danny respected that and they just layed on top of each other kissing.

I am mortified that I had to write this garbage.

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