patientia comes est sapientiae

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Apologies in advance to any Americans that might be offended. I swear I don't hate Americans (most of the time).
Just kidding. You guys are alright.

"JAH-nah," the receptionist sighed, not bothering to conceal her exasperation this time. Her eyes didn't leave the computer screen, her fingers gliding effortlessly across the keyboard. Bella bit her lip, scared to try one more time.

Gianna seemed content with her silence.

Suddenly standing up, the secretary took a grey folder from the desk and shoved it into a leather briefcase, clasping it hurriedly and sparing Bella only an annoyed glance before hurrying away.

"Stay right there."

As if she would dare to wander alone.

The computer screen flicked to show a boring, professional-looking screensaver—dark background with something written in what Bella guessed to be Italian. The letters didn't bounce off the screen borders. They mimicked Bella and stayed exactly where they were. To her still-tired eyes, the yellowed plastic of the machine looked even more yellow than it should, as if the computer was sick. She wondered if she looked somewhat the same.

Jane and Alec were right, after all. The vampires did not remember to feed her as often as necessary, though she didn't know if by accident or on purpose. After nearly eight hours with no food or liquids, she gave in and called for someone. The uncloaked stranger who showed up at her door hummed in response to her request and left her with Gianna, who was supposed to be more aware of her human needs.

The woman did not eat as frequently as she should, immersed in her work to an unhealthy extent, so now Bella was being watched by an unwilling nanny on top of starving.

Plus, she now had to ask to use the bathroom, and Gianna would scowl every time she heard the question, like a mean teacher.


Bella noticed quickly enough that vampires operated in an entirely different time to humans. She had never realised that before, only seeing the Cullens doing their best to fit in. In Forks, they would always abide by human rules and schedules, and it had never occurred to her that they had no real reason to do so. In Volterra, things moved very differently, and after five days, the three Cullens were still around having an on-and-off discussion with the kings of the vampire world.

She had little to do. With one single book at her disposal, she read it three times over before admitting to herself that it was no fun anymore. It had to be put to rest for a while, long enough for her to forget most of the story's details. Considering how bothersome her most basic needs were to those around her, Bella felt like asking for more entertainment would be imposing too much.

So she waited.

A lot.

Gianna seemed to be the only human working in her position, so it was no surprise that she was overworking. Bella saw her taking a single fifteen-minute break in twelve hours and had no idea how long her shift should be.

She was yanked from her rambling thoughts by the soft, rhythmic thud of the secretary's high heels. She held something, and before Bella could give it a good look to discern what it was, Gianna let it fall on the desk before her.

"These won't fill you but they should trick your stomach for long enough. I can get actual food when I clock out."

Bella flipped the package in her hands, the name and description of its contents eluding her completely – everything was in Italian. An illustration of a kind elderly lady stared back at her from the front and the words "Matilde Vicenzi" claimed her attention. She must have looked confused because Gianna sighed and rolled her eyes.

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