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Taehyung's eyes rolled back as he tried to stop himself from falling forward and passing out right at the table.

This polished, fancy table of a fancy ass restaurant situated in London. The name of it?? he probably couldn't even pronounce.

That's right. This demon, who was probably mentally deranged, had created a portal which took them to the other side of the motherfucking world.

He didn't mean to get drunk. He'd just forgotten how much of a lightweight he truly was. So bad at handling liquor that he got drunk just on two glasses of wine.

Which is why he's here, with Jungkook, who was amusedly watching him from across the table for two, amusement mixed with adoration in his eye.

Taehyung thought of doing something to distract himself, like trying another bite of the three-quarter way eaten, $400 steak in front of him.

It was quite delicious, actually. If only he hadn't impulsively downed the expensive wine like that, he wouldn't feel like throwing up everytime he brought a piece of food to his mouth.

Random thoughts were racing through his head, making this very moment feel like a fever dream. The stress he'd gone through was coming down on him.

Fuck this. Fuck that. And fuck everything. Especially Jeon Jungkook. And Park Jimin too, for tricking him.

His head finally lolled foward. He collapsed on the table face-first, arms fallen above his head, a small thump sounding from his head hitting the fine wood.

Ah, this is why he keeps his drinking to the bare minimum.

"Are you okay, Tae??"

Jungkook held back a laugh of amusement at the delerious boy, who was completely intoxicated by the Pinot Noir.

"I think it's time we--"

"YAH, Jeon Jungkook..."

Jungkook smiles.


He's never heard this tone from the careful and reserved brunette before...

It's quite.. adorable.

"Yeah??" He replies, a devious yet sexy smirk steadily growing on his ethereal face.

Thankfully, the restaurant was nearly empty by now, given that it was 12am midnight, so they didn't attract any attention.

"Why are you...."

The next few words were slurred so badly that it came out as complete gibberish to the demon.

He lightly waves around his own wineglass, creating a mini-whirlpool within the blood-red liquid, before taking another sip, slight smirk still on his face.

"Why am I...what??"

"Why are you SUCH a bastard.....well...a goodlooking bastard, w-wait..."

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly in mild surprise when Taehyung abruptly stood up, and harshly grabbed the two lapels of his jacket in his two weak hands, clenching them in his grip and tugging up at them, making Jungkook also stand up in his seat and lean forward, only because he was mildly intrigued.

So this is how humans act when they're batshit drunk.

Taehyung leaned even more forward, their faces mere centimeters apart, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh shit, yeah, you're very good l..looking--" He mumbles.

Jungkook clenched his jaw, amusement increasing as his eyes trailed to the brunette's parted lips.

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