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donnie x reader

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donnie x reader

(requested; gender not mentioned in oneshot)

enjoy, lovebirds.

The atmosphere was perfect.

A loud drizzle pounded on the rooftop of your apartment, reminding you and your guest that you are safe and sheltered from the elements. Your guest, Donnie, was a classmate that you invited over to play some Minecraft. He was originally supposed to stay over for maybe two hours, but the thunderstorm made you insist he stay until it was over. At first, Donnie was a bit anxious. He did have a curfew for this play date, after all, and his dad was terribly strict about it. Plus, your dad would be coming home soon as well! His fears overcame him for a little while, but he was able to get comfortable again once you asked for help on a redstone contraption.

"Here, I think I have enough to built another repeater. I'm pretty sure that's what we need," Donnie said, his thumbs working the controller fervently.

"If you run out of redstone, you can just use mine," You shrugged.

Donnie glanced at you with a bright smile, then back at the screen. "Oh, cool."

You both were sitting on your living room's couch, shoulder to shoulder as you played the game. Donnie was assisting you in building automatic sorting hoppers to facilitate inventory. Like most Minecraft players, you didn't have a clue on how to work complex redstone. So right now, you were just cheering Donnie on and giving him any material he needed in-game.

"And if we set this one...to the far right..." Donnie murmured, mostly to himself. " It shooould...oh, I forgot to make a button."

You and Donnie looked at each other and paused for a beat. Then, you both burst into uproarious giggles.

"Redstone champ! Redstone champ!" You teased in a deep jock voice, your arms flexed.

"Shut uuup, I was busy making this thing perfect," Donnie grinned.

You walked in-game over to a crafting table and used some surplus stone to craft a button. Donnie waited patiently. While your avatar hopped around the contraption to find the place to put the button, Donnie subtly looked at you in the corner of his eye. He felt all fluffy inside when he examined your excited smile. You're so cute.

You placed the button in its proper place. "Boom, bam. Do the honors."

Donnie shook his head. "No, you. You helped me a lot."

So, maybe that was a little lie. All you did was craft him material, which he easily could have done himself. The only reason Donnie wanted you to click the button was so he could see your face light up when the hopper worked. Not entirely for an ego boost, but mostly because you were just adorable when thrilled.

It was a reward in itself to watch you sparkle once you clicked the button and witnessed the sorting results. You kept checking the chests that were under the hopper, grinning happily as items sorted themselves inside. Donnie smiled sentimentally at you, though you didn't notice. He was enchanted by your sweetness, but also recognized that your energy wasn't as high as the other times he witnessed you excited. You were presently more sluggish and mellow. Oh dear; the rain must've been influencing your consciousness. You were getting tired.

"Uh, hey, you seem pretty sleepy right now," Donnie said. "If you want me to leave so you can take a nap, it's fine."

"Don," You imposed, trying your best to firm your tone. "You are not leaving in a thunderstorm. This is a threat."

Donnie smirked and laughed a little bit, then said, "Okay, okay, fine! You wanna keep playing?"

You nodded with low energy, eyes half lidded like a drunk. Indeed, you looked silly, but Donnie couldn't help but continue admiring you. Even when you're nearly about to collapse on the couch arm, you're a masterpiece to this nerd.

Donnie looked back to the television screen with a sigh. He knew you were unable to attentively play the game anymore. He tried to think of something else you both could do until the storm passed, something relaxing and simple. He didn't want to force you to liven up, as he understood what it felt like to be exhausted but still required to do something laborious. He puzzled and puzzled, now staring at the floor.

Just then, he noticed subtle pressure on his shoulder. Donnie looked over, face quickly heating up. Oh gosh.

You fell asleep on him!

In a matter of seconds, Donnie's heart rate doubled. Inwardly, he was panicking and screaming in confusion and excitement. But on the outside, Donnie simply had wide eyes and pursed lips. What---what was he supposed to do? Your cheek was buttressed against the point of his shoulder, and you were peacefully breathing against his t-shirt sleeve. He couldn't just move (of course, it's not like he wanted to move away from this anyway, but you wouldn't know that).

After swallowing down his electrifying panic, Donnie's face finally softened. A small but gracious smile grew apparent on his lips. You must have really trusted him to fall asleep on him, he recognized. As the gentle ambience of melodic Minecraft music continued, Donnie found himself unable to look away from you. You were just so...precious. And he knew how sappy that must have sounded, but it was the only word that accurately described what he saw. You were a vision, a dream, peacefully using him for a recharge.

Donnie swept some stray wisps of hair from your face, sighing as he realized he was so screwed. He was completely, wholeheartedly in love with you and there was no going back to what he felt before. He had to tell you someday---just not today. Although your actions were adorable and so sweet, it was an accident. Donnie wanted his confession to be perfect and filled with romance for you, and this was not the time. When the day comes, he would know. Tonight, however, all Donnie was going to focus on was adoring you and keeping you sound asleep.

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