Name: Kaiju
Behavior: Hostile
Info: This is the most basic gootraxian everyone knows about.
Head Scientist Note: Okay now who the fuck touches the crystals when I CLEARLY STATE NTO TO! YOU DAMN JUNIOR SCIENTISTS CAN'T LISTEN TO ORDERS!Name: Catte
Behavior: Passive
Info: This gootraxian likes to chill, and sometimes do bucket flips.
Head Scientist Note: Dude..just because it's chill..does not MEAN YOU SHOULD ACCEPT IT'S BUCKET AND PUT IT ON YOUR HEAD! I WORK WITH DUMBASSES!
Name: Fed
Behavior: Neutral
Info: This gootraxian likes to chill and lay back. Sometimes play with their fedora.
Head Scientist Note: Okay, like I said with the catte..don't accept the fedora from them.
Name: Figs
Behavior: Passive
Info: This gootraxian likes to fly around and do tricks in the air if they're skilled enough.
Head Scientist Note: Okay, you got to admit, the tricks are cool.